Chapter Seventeen

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I'm hoping Wattpad sorted out their notifications problems, I noticed it was an issue when I posted the last chapter.

Ada didn't know who she expected to see in that cafe but it certainly wasn't Josephine.

After Tommy handed her the house keys to the new place he bought, he had also slipped a piece of paper in her hand along with a 'Somebody wants to meet you here when you've finished work. Please go.'

Her brother almost never says the word 'please', so Ada's interest was peaked and with her guard up and one of her hands placed in her purse, wrapped around her gun, she stepped into the cafe, her eyes buzzing around looking for a familiar face, hoping that since it was Tommy who had given her the address, that the person she was meeting was safe.

"Ada!" The soft shout of her name brought Ada's attention to the corner of the room where Josephine sat and as soon as she set her eyes on her, Ada froze, not believing her eyes, she hadn't seen Josephine in over two years and now she was here, back in England, she didn't know how to act. Josephine was Ada's best friend growing up despite being a few years older and now that she was back, Ada realized how much she missed her.

Seeing Ada still frozen by the door, Josephine left the table and made her way over to her, wincing at the sight of the bruises that was still on her face when she got close enough,

"C'mon Ada, let's sit down." Gently pulling her hand, Josephine led the girl over to the table, helping her sit down and remove her hat and coat and it wasn't until Josephine had taken her seat opposite her, did Ada snap out of her daze.

"Let's get some tea eh" After waving a waiter over, Josephine cast a critical eye over Ada, looking her up and down, "Have you been eating? We'll get a couple of sandwiches as well."

"I-i can't stay too long, I need to pick up Karl." Ada was overwhelmed.

Josephine relayed their order to the waiter before turning to Ada and taking her hands into hers when he had left.

"Ada he'll be fine, you need to eat before it's before you get sick."

Ada nodded, knowing that she was right.

"I'm sorry Ada, for not being here for you earlier." Josephine sighed, her grasp on Ada's hands tightening, "I know this must be very difficult for you, so I must apologize for not coming earlier."

Ada couldn't help but laugh, "Why are you apologizing? I got your letter about the storm, there is nothing to apologize for. You are here now and that is what matters the most."

"And I will be here for as long as you need me to be."

"Really?"Josephine nodded, "I have missed you a lot Ada, we have two years to make up, don't we?"

"Tommy gave me keys to a house that he bought..." Ada trailed off, very voice turning very quiet.

Josephine already knew this as Tommy had told her his plan whilst they were on the boat, so she simply nodded not wanting to push Ada into a corner, "Did you accept them?"

"Yea...Tommy said it's a proper house and everything. I visited the place before I came here but I just stood outside but Josey... it's so beautiful, it's a hundred times better than my shitty flat!"

"So you'll move in right?"

Ada nodded, "It's not fair for Karl to live in the little flat, the house is in a nice place as well, safer too."

"Good. I'm glad." Josephine nodded and smiled at the younger girl.

Ada, grinned and nodded enthusiastically but the waiter arrived with their tea and sandwiches before she could respond. After thanking him, the girls slipped back into their conversation,

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