Chapter Eleven

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Jonas had lost track of time. After being dragged from his shop, he had been placed in a damp, dark room and was left alone for hours, with only his thoughts to keep him company and despite racking his brain for however long he was kept in that room for why he was arrested he couldn't make sense of it, Campbell said he was here illegally but he knew that wasn't true, he'd been living in England since he was twenty and for Christs sake he'd even fought for the country and lost his arm as a result. Jonas knew he was here legally and had the documents to show for it but he had an inkling that this Chief Inspector wouldn't care, he had heard the tales from the streets about that man, about how he did care about laws and rules, that he'll do anything to get his way and Jonas couldn't help but fear that he wouldn't be making it out of this room alive.

Hours went by before the clinking of the door being unlocked sounded, snapping Jonas from his thoughts. He tensed as he heard the slow footsteps make their way towards him, keeping his head down and gaze locked on the floor, refusing to turn around to see who it is.

"Mr. Lindholm, it's about time we finally talked." The Irish accent told Jonas that it was Inspector Campbell, a man who he had never met before this afternoon, "I don't know what you want from me." He kept his head down which Campbell took exception to, as he grabbed the man's jaw and forced his head up so Jonas was forced to look at him.

"My agent in the field tipped me off about you and your daughter, about your ties with the Shelby family." Campbell walked in circles around Jonas' chair, "Now Mr. Lindholm, tell me what your know about them and we'll let you go" He paused for a moment before continuing,

"Maybe I'll think about keeping your daughter out of it if...only if your information is good enough."

"What's Josephine got to do with this?" Jonas breathed out, his eyes wide and heart racing, his daughter was the only thing he had left, he couldn't imagine a life without her.

"Your little Josephine is engaged to Thomas Shelby, who is my prime suspect for some stolen guns and if you don't give me the right information, then I'll take her."

"W-what? I thought you arrested me because I was here illegally?" Jonas was confused, he had no clue about whatever guns Campbell was talking about, along with the threat towards his daughter. It was starting to give him a migraine.

Campbell signed impatiently, wondering if he was wasting his time with this man, "I'm after information about Thomas Shelby, Mr. Lindholm and if you don't help me, then there will be dire consequences." he threatened.

Jonas felt his heart start to race, he had no information to give and the thought of something happening to his daughter made him sick to his stomach. "I-i have no clue about what guns you're talking about--" A harsh punch to his face interrupts him. Jonas gasped in shock, his head whipping to the side from the force of Campbell's fist hitting him, his breath catches in his throat as he is rendered speechless.

"Fucking useless" Campbell mutters, brushing the back of his hand against his coat, as if it was dirty before walking over to the door, motioning to the two officers stationed outside to deal with Jonas. The officers grabbed him and pull him up, dragging him off the chair and out the door, having no apparent regard for him as he stumbles and trips over his feet, trying to keep up with them, not wanting to be dragged. He only managed to find his feet, though not for long as they suddenly stopped in front of a cell door, which after they unlocked and opened a voice sounded from inside but before Jonas can make sense of it, he was quickly thrown inside the cell, roughly landing on his knees, his one arm unable grip onto something on time left him unbalanced making him face plant into the grimy, wet, cold, stone floor. He grunted, trying to push himself up off the floor but his panic was making him shake, unable to lift himself caused him to panic more and when a hand gripped his shoulder he flinched back and tried to defend himself, falling back onto the ground, his one arm swinging randomly, hoping to make contact with the unknown person.

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