Chapter Sixty

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With business booming and Tommy wrapped up in his new career as an MP along with playing the perfect MP's wife and raising a child, Josephine rarely had a chance to breathe. She was accustomed to life being chaotic and it switching up every so often but the jump from being a family that meddled with illegal stuff to suddenly being a public figure was huge. Sure the Shelby family had become more legitimate but there was a difference between a partially legitimate business and becoming a part of the circus that was politics.

She found her escape by laying in the fields behind the house at night and just looking up at the sky, taking in the clear skies and bright stars. She missed the time she spent with Tommy, the dates and stealing him away from work for the afternoon but she had to wonder if that was a natural part of life and marriage.

It's not like she knew anyone with a long-standing marriage to learn from or ask, every person she knew that was married were widowed at a young age, her father, Polly and Ada.

The sound of footsteps coming her way made Josephine sit up and she saw Tommy making his way over to her. She smiled at him as he sat down beside her and drew her into a hug, to her, being wrapped up in Tommy's arms was one of the best feelings ever.

"Did you just get home?"

Tommy nodded and buried his head against her neck, giving her a few kisses,

"Mary told me you were out here" Tommy's words were muffled which made Josephine smile.

"Hmm, I enjoy looking at stars"

"You shouldn't be out at night, it's cold"

Josephine snorted, "It's still summer, I'll be fine"

Tommy wouldn't accept her answer and pulled away from her and looked her in the eye,

"Come in with me?"

"Only if you join me in the bath"

Tommy smirked at her and stood up, pulling Josephine up as he did so, "As if I would ever decline that request"

As they made their way back to the house, Josephine decided to finally tell him what had been bothering her,

"I miss you"

There was a slight pause before Tommy responded, "I haven't gone anywhere"

"You're always busy. Most of my conversations happen with a one-year-old, Tommy"

The image of Josephine trying to have a conversation with Teddy popped up in Tommy's mind and he couldn't help but laugh causing Josephine to hit him with the back of her hand but even she couldn't help but laugh too.

"Believe it or not but he's not the best conversationalist. Most of our chats revolve around, 'dada', 'mama' and 'dog'" Josephine giggled.

"He gets along with Cyril then?" Tommy asked as they walked into the house, both of them shrugging off their coats.

"Oh yeah, best friends they are"

"Cyril will be a good companion until Teddy gets a younger sibling eh"

Josephine glanced up at Tommy and he was looking down at her with a sincere look on his face,

"Do you want another kid?" She asked

Tommy nodded and wrapped his arms around her waist, "This is what we talked about right? Me, you and a handful of kids. Do you want more?"

Josephine nodded as they walked upstairs and to their room, Tommy immediately going to the connected bathroom to start the bath as Josephine began to strip,

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