Chapter Forty-Seven

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For the first time in possibly ever, Josephine woke up before Tommy. The baby's movement had awoken her and now she couldn't go back to sleep, so she decided to go downstairs and get herself a glass of water.

As she sat and sipped her water, she thought about what the upcoming months had for her. She was in the last few months of her pregnancy so she had to finalise names with Tommy and she was also hoping to make a trip to Polly, to once more beg for Polly's presence when she gave birth. It had been months since Josephine last went over to Polly's and that was when she had recently been released from jail, but selfishly, Josephine hoped that Polly could put her hate towards Tommy to the side for one day and help her.

Josephine huffed when she realised that she was working herself up by thinking about it, so she downed the rest of her water before making her way into Tommy's office to pick up a piece of paper and a pen before returning to the intern.

Over the past few weeks, her and Tommy had been discussing names for the baby, they hadn't agreed on anything yet, but Josephine enjoyed scribbling down names.

By the time Tommy had woken up and joined her downstairs, she had written down two names for girls and two names for boys.

"Couldn't sleep?" Tommy asked after he pressed a kiss to her forehead and sat down opposite her.

Josephine shook her head, "No. I managed to sleep, just woke up early."

Tommy hummed before he noticed the piece of paper in front of her.

"What's that?"

Josephine perked up at the mention of it, "Names!"

"James, Matthew and Theodore for boys" Tommy read out the names, "And for girls, Isla, Bonnie and Mabel"

"Have you got any ideas? It's your child too." Josephine asked around a piece of toast.

"I'm not sure about first names but I was wondering if we could use Jonas as their middle name if they're a boy." Tommy didn't meet her eyes as he spoke.

"After pappa?"

"He means a lot to us both and has been the closest thing I have had to a father figure in my life" Tommy spoke from his heart," Only if you agree of course"

"Of course I do!" Josephine exclaimed, "I think that's an amazing idea. Pappa will be honoured as well"

Tommy smiled at her, "I think your ideas for the names are perfect."

"Surely there's one you like the most though, we have to narrow it down."

"No, we don't. I believe that once the baby is born and is placed in your arms, you'll know what name is perfect for them." Tommy disagreed.

" ... I like that"

"What are you doing today? "Tommy asked, the subject changing.

Josephine hesitated to answer his question, knowing that he would disapprove.

"I want to try and visit Polly one last time..."

Tommy signed but it came from a place of concern, "Josey, I don't think it's a good idea"

"Just one last time... after this I'II stop."

"I won't stop you but I don't want you to be needlessly hurt. The baby is nearly here and I don't want anything to happen to either of you."

"I'm scared, Tommy." Josephine confesses, "I'm so fucking scared and I'll be alone in that room, giving birth with only the doctor and midwives there. I'd always thought Polly would be there to assure and help me."

There's a long pause at science after Josephine speaks before Tommy breaks it.

"I'm sorry" Tommy apologizes, "It's all my fault. I'm sorry."

Josephine shakes her head, "No, you're right. I've already gone once and I should accept her decision. What's done is done."

"Go to Polly's "Tommy encourages, "You last went months ago and maybe she's changed her mind. Go."

Josephine nods, "I guess there's no harm in trying. I'll go around lunch."

"I'll see you tonight? "Tommy asks as he stands up from the table and slips his

blazer on.

Josephine nods and gives Tommy a kiss before he leaves.

Josephine walked up the steps to Polly's home and took a deep breath before she knocked on the door. She waited for an answer and when she didn't relieve one, she knocked again but this time she called out Polly's name.

"Polly? Can we talk?"

When no one answered, Josephine, signed, Michael had recently told her that she never leaves the house and that he has to constantly check up on her and buy her groceries.

"If you're not going to open the door, then at least listen to me. I know you're home." Josephine called out.

"Polly, I need you. I'm deathly afraid of doing this by myself, I always imagined you being by my side. I don't have my mother and I don't want to be alone giving birth with only a doctor and midwives in there." Josephine pleads, "I know it's too much to ask but please push your anger for Tommy to the side for one day. Please."

When no one replied, Josephine signed and accepted defeat. She had tried and unfortunately not relieved the answer she was hoping for.

When Tommy returned home later that night, he recognised the expression on Josephine's face.

"No luck?" He asked.

"Nope" Josephine popped the 'P', "It is what it is, I suppose"

Tommy placed his hand on her bump and ran his thumb back and forth, "Sorry."

"it's fine. There's no point me focusing on her any more, the baby should be my focus now." Josephine replied.

"Not long now " Tommy's smile grew, he couldn't wait until their child was in his arms.

"Couple of weeks give or take... " Josephine paused for a moment before she spoke again, "Do you think we'll be good parents?"

"I think that it's going to be hard and that we're going to struggle but we' II be trying our best and making sure that they're well looked after and loved."

Josephine agrees with a slow nod, "It'll be hard but we'll try our best."

What do you think about the names?? Which one do you think I chose? Who do you think the baby will look like more, Tommy or Josey?

The baby arrives in the next chapter which shouldn't take long and then I'll do like 2 or so chapters of Tommy and Josey with the baby before season 4, how do you guys feel about that?

Come speak to me at my tumblr; nineteenninety-six


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