Chapter Thirty-Six

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Josephine had managed to convince Tommy to stay home the next day instead of going straight back to work. She knew it was inevitable and that work would always be a constant in their life and she accepted that but she figured that one day wouldn't hurt them, especially since they weren't going to have a honeymoon. Besides, after months of being busy planning the wedding, she wanted to relish in being a married couple, just by themselves, even if it was only for a day.

They were still laying in bed even though it was approaching late morning. They were similar in that neither of them liked to waste the day in bed, they preferred to make the most of every day by waking up early in the morning and getting straight to work but this day was different.

Tommy was currently fiddling with the ring on her finger, almost as if he still couldn't believe the events of the day before actually happened. He half-listened as Josephine spoke about the plans she had with her father but he was distracted on how he would tell Josephine about the Russian business. He knew she'd be mad because it occurred on their wedding day but he also knew that if he waited any longer to tell her, she'll be upset because he kept it from her for so long.

Tommy made up his mind and could only hope that she understood and was forgiving. He shifted to sit up properly, pulling her along with him so that they faced each other. Josephine's sentence trailed off when she was tugged up and she looked up at Tommy curiously.


"I've been...enlisted to help with some Russian business by Churchill."

"What type of business?"


"Is that safe?" Josephine was concerned.

Tommy shrugged, "Things rarely are."

"Tommy..." Josephine sighed, unimpressed with his answer.

Before they got married, she had made him promise that he would no longer put himself in situations where he could get killed. It wasn't a ban on getting into dirty or dangerous situations but she didn't want him to be involved in shootouts or anything like that.

"I won't do anything stupid," Tommy tells her, "I promise"

Josephine hummed as she moved to get out of the bed but Tommy's hand on her wrist stopped her.

"Last night they made contact," Tommy confessed before she could ask what was wrong.

"Did you do business on our wedding day?" Josephine visibly deflated at his words, "Oh, promised. You promised no business"

"I know. Believe me, I was caught off guard too." Tommy was quick to explain, "I wanted our day to be business-free, trust me. I made sure that nothing came up but obviously I didn't try hard enough."

Josephine sighed, she was upset but her wedding didn't get ruined and she'll only have happy memories of the day, so she supposed that it wasn't that big of a deal.

"I understand. It didn't disrupt the day in any way, so it's fine. Thank you for telling me"

Tommy gave her a brief kiss on the cheek before he climbed off the bed and got dressed, "Thank you."

"Meet you downstairs?" Josephine asked as she slipped off the bed.

Tommy grunted in agreement as he lit his cigarette before he left, leaving Josephine to her own devices. Josephine decided to run herself a small bath, something quick but also relaxing.

As she sat in the bath, her thoughts could not help but trail to the recently revealed Russian business. Just the thought of it put her on the edge and while she didn't know the specifics, she knew that the fact that it involved Churchill and the government, it had the possibility of being much more dangerous than what Tommy was letting on but she had to trust Tommy.

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