Chapter Sixty-One

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Her smile wouldn't budge as Josephine walked out of the doctor's office after finding out she was pregnant again and there would be a new person joining the family. As an only child growing up, she had always been jealous of the Shelby family and always wanted to have more than one child herself but even if this one was her last, she would be happy.

Too excited to think of an elaborate plan, Josephine walked straight into Tommy's office when she came home and perched herself in his lap.

"Hello" Amusement was jumping in Tommy's eyes at her actions, "You okay?"

"Hmm!" Josephine eagerly nodded, "Great actually. I've got some news for you."


Josephine smiled up at him, "I'm pregnant"

There was a stunned silence before Tommy spoke up, "Truly?"

"Yeah, the doctor confirmed it"

Tommy let out a laugh before he pulled her into a hug,

"This is great"

Josephine nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a kiss.

"I love you."

Tommy returned her kiss, "I love you too"

.•° ✿ °•.

Initially, Theodore wasn't bothered about the pregnancy but Josephine assumed that it was because he was too young to truly know what was happening but once her bump had begun to grow, Theodore's attention had been piqued.

Intrigued by his mother's new development, he clung to her like a leech, head always resting on her bump hoping to hear something and Josephine found it adorable. He eventually understood that there was going to be a baby soon and he would be a big brother.

As her pregnancy reached the final stages, Josephine's nerves set in. It was nineteen twenty-seven and women died in childbirth all the time, and she was vividly reminded of her own mother and if she died, she feared what would happen, especially if the baby survived. Tommy wouldn't be abusive but Josephine feared he'd become distant and emotionally damaged, unable to raise two children and she would hate if her children had to grow up without a father after losing their mother.

She confessed her fears to Tommy one night and he was quick to soothe her, reassuring that she'd have the best doctor and midwives in the city but Josephine needed something more familiar.

"I want Polly to be there." Josephine confessed, "She wasn't there before but I need her this time."

Tommy brought her into a hug and kissed her on the temple, "She won't say no. We'll call her tomorrow and I promise you she'll agree"

"If we're doing this at home then I don't want Teddy here, I don't want to scare him"

Tommy nodded, "I'll take him out on the horses. He's old enough now"

Josephine looked up at him slightly teary-eyed, "Thank you"

"I'd do anything for you, you know?. I love you"

"I love you, too"

.•° ✿ °•.

Josephine cried as Polly passed her the baby and then cried even more when she looked down and took them in.

"It's a girl, I have a daughter!" She cheered through the cries.

"A gorgeous little girl" Polly smiled as she looked down at the screaming baby, "She'll be a troublemaker, just like her father"

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