Chapter Fifty

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Josephine was running around and convening with the house staff about planning Christmas day. Just like Tommy promised when they first moved in, no one was required to stay and if they wanted, they could join the family for dinner.

Tommy was out at work, leaving only herself and Teddy, who was taking his nap at home.

As she sat in the living room, she thought back to what Tommy had told her a few days ago when he announced that Ada was coming back to England for the holidays. John and Esme were holding a New Year's party and unsurprisingly everyone but her and Tommy had been invited.

No doubt that was more Esme's decision rather than John's. Esme wanted nothing to do with Tommy or the business but had no issue living in a house bought with Shelby money or using a car bought with Shelby money or hiring staff with Shelby money. Linda too. All in all, Josephine found it very hypocritical.

A cry brought her out of her mind and she quickly made her way over to Teddy and soothed him and as she gazed down at him, she could not help but pout over the fact that he wouldn't be experiencing his first holiday with his whole family. She knew he wouldn't remember it since he's not even a year old yet and it would mostly be for her but she still pouted nonetheless.

Christmas this year it would just be, her, Tommy, Teddy, and her father. Ada will be celebrating with Polly and Michael.

Josephine knew she should just cut her losses as concerning herself with the family only caused her pain. Her focus should be on her son, husband, and father. There's no point caring for people who do not care for her. It had been a painful lesson but the lesson had been learned.

It was late when Tommy arrived home and just like every other night, he dipped into Theodore's room and pecked him on the head before joining Josephine in their room.

He shrugged off his jacket and chucked on the back of a chair before he removed his glasses that she loved so much.

"Good day?" Josephine asked, watching as he undressed.

Tommy let out hum before he slipped into the bed next to her, "Tomorrow will be worse."

"The Union Convener?"

Tommy nodded.

"I've been telling you for months, Tommy" Josephine sighed frustratedly, "Equalise the pay of the women."

"It's not that easy."

"It's better than all your workers striking and you left with nothing." Josephine threw back, "I can't imagine that being easy."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"I've heard things about Jessie Eden and she's a handful. Compromise with her, find a middle between what you both want."
Josephine heard Tommy sigh before he wrapped his arms around her, "I'll think about it."

Josephine wanted to argue with him about it but she was far too tired so she closed her eyes and snuggled further into bed, "When's Ada coming around?"

"Tomorrow evening."

She let out a hum and patted the hand that rested around her waist before falling asleep.

Christmas Eve and Josephine were walking around the house with Theodore in her arms letting him touch and grab the decorations they had hung around the house. She took one down and placed Theodore on the floor with it, allowing him to play with it. Teddy could now sit up all by himself and she knew that in a month or so, he would be crawling.

Their playtime was interrupted by Tommy storming in looking panicked. He had gone out that morning to meet with Jessie Eden but came home straight after.

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