Chapter Thirty

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Josephine had been going back and forth in her head on whether or not she should tell William about the truth about Tommy. He had known when he first met her that she had come out of a relationship that ended badly but he didn't know that the person who hurt her was Tommy.

Josephine knew it was mean and unfair to keep him in the dark, considering that he was the one who helped her recover and come out of the dark place Tommy had left her in but she was afraid of his reaction. She knew he wouldn't be violent because that's not the type of person William was but she knew he would feel betrayed, hurt and angry and she didn't want to make him feel that way.

A few days had passed since her confrontation with Tommy and wanting a distraction, she decided she would spend her day with Finn, she had missed the kid more than she had realised.

"Josey!" Finn exclaimed as he opened the door and found her on the doorstep.

"Hey, Finn!" Josephine matched his excitement, "Want to spend the day together?"

"Can we?"

"Only if you want to."

"Of course! Lemme get my coat or aunt Pol will get upset" The 13-year-old ran back into the house to collect his coat.

Josephine laughed about what he said about his aunt, she knew it was true, remembering all the time she shouted at Tommy to bring his coat whenever he ran out to play with her when they were kids.

Josephine and Finn walked around town before settling in a park, Finn spotted his friends and went over to play a game of football whilst Josephine sat on a park bench and watched over him but she wasn't alone for long.

"Have you chosen yet?"

"It's only been two days, Thomas." Josephine heard him light up a cigarette.

"Have you told him about me yet?"

Josephine sighed, "He knows that someone hurt me a lot and I was in a relationship with the person who hurt me but he doesn't know it was you."

"Are you going to tell him?" Tommy asked

"I should"


"I'm afraid to," Josephine confessed.

"Afraid? Do you think he'll react violently?" Tommy questioned concerned.

"No." Josephine shook her head, "He's not like that. William is sweet and gentle but if I tell him that you're the person and that ever since I've been back in England I've been close with you then he'll be upset."

"Well you've got to tell him because Polly is inviting everyone around for dinner on Sunday, William included." Tommy informed her, "And I've told John and Arthur about everything."

Josephine gaped at Tommy in shock as he stood up from the bench and adjusted his coat.

"Why did you do that?!"

Tommy just grinned at her before he nodded over to where Finn was still playing with his friends, "Make sure he doesn't come home too late."

Josephine watched as he walked out of the park, his shoulders squared and his hands in his pockets like usual. She huffed when she realised he had done it on purpose because Tommy loves chaos. Josephine had to tell William now, lest she wants him to be caught off guard by anything John or Arthur are bound to say.

"Was that Tommy?" Finn asked as he ran up to where she was sitting.

"Yeah. Told me about the dinner Polly is having on Sunday."

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