Chapter Fifteen

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This was the most pain Tommy had felt for a while, everything hurt and all he wanted to do was get loaded up on morphine and sleep but Campbell had come to visit, making his intentions known,

"Ready for a visitor, Mr Shelby?" The nurse called out to him after she opened the door to his room


"I'm here on the King's orders, I'm afraid I must insist." Campbell said, the door swinging shut behind him, "Ah, you paid extra for daylight. The racketeering business must be booming."

"Are you not going to thank me for saving your life?" Campbell's accent rang loudly and smugly through the room.

"Pass my cigarettes?" Tommy ignored him.

"Three nights ago, at the co-operative stables in Montague Street, there was a murder. A man named Duggan." Campbell dumped the cigarettes and matches on him and Tommy was on edge, not knowing that Campbell knew about Duggan.

"The Oxfordshire constabulary found his body in a shallow grave."

"I need to piss. Nurse?" Tommy tried to seem indifferent but also tried subtly getting a way out of the conversation

"I know that it was you who carried out the murder of Mr Duggan." Campbell pressed his cane against Tommy's chest, smiling at the sound of his grunt of pain

"Oh, by the way Grace, she went to New York. A place called, er Poughkeepsie. She's married now." Tommy knew which buttons to push

"To a banker. He's rich. I am sure she is very happy." Campbell shot back, not falling for his bait, "Now, what happened to your fiance. Josephine, was it? I heard she disappeared and you haven't been able to find her."

"You have been under my microscope for some weeks now. I have been observing every move you make. That is why I was on hand to save your life." Campbell continued when Tommy didn't respond to his jab.

"I imagine being shot by a woman hurts the same as being shot by a man.

Just a bit more shameful. You know, Mr Campbell, when I got shot they gave me a medal. Yeah." Tommy kept on pushing him, wanting to win the small fight they were having, "No medal for you I bet."

Campbell shot up, "Mr Shelby our reunion is part of a very carefully worked out plan, which has been in place for some time now."

"Every time you lean on that stick I bet you see her face."

As a result of the information in my possession, I can charge you with murder at any time and provide two impeccable crown witnesses whose testimony will lead you directly to the gallows. You are on my hook, Mr Shelby and from this moment forward." Campbell grabbed Tommy's neck, pulling his body up and choking him slightly,

"You belong to me. So, get well quickly. I'll be in touch the moment I hear you can piss standing up. Then I will send you your instructions." Slamming him back down on the bed, Campbell made his way out of the room, his message sent.

Tommy waited until he was sure Campbell had left before he grabbed the morphine off the table beside him and took a swig, grateful for the break from pain it gave him and soon after he fell asleep, quickly lulled by the medicine.

He didn't know how long he was asleep for but when he woke up there was someone in the seat next to him but he couldn't tell who it was since his eyes were almost swollen shut,

"Who the fuck are you?" He grunted out, not particularly wanting to deal with anyone.

"You don't recognise me? It's only been two years, Tommy."

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