Chapter Fifty-Eight

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The days leading up the boxing match was filled with drama, with Ada being arrested by the Army and Tommy knowing all about it but the day itself was filled with a buzzing energy. The event was a reason for the women to dress up as well, to make the night enjoyable for them too.

As she walked down the stairs of the hall, Josephine felt a few eyes on her and the other ladies but her eyes were seeking out Tommy but when she couldn't see him, she focused on the ladies she was with.

Lizzie was dressed in an orange dress that was decorated with gold detailing. Linda was in a light purple dress with a slit that came up to her knee, something that surprised Josephine, thinking it was too risque for the religious woman. And Polly was dressed in a long black dress that swished around her calves.

Josephine herself was dressed in a red dress that complimented her skin tone, that rested just above her knees.

Together they made their way down the stairs and joined Ada at their seats in the front row. Ada had a lovely light pink dress on and all four of them stuck out amongst everyone else but they didn't care. With everything going on, they needed their own way to let loose and considering they didn't like boxing either, they had to make the evening enjoyable somehow.

Soon the bell was rung and the first round began. Everyone in the crowd instantly began cheering as the two men in the ring began fighting but Josephine found herself wincing and flinching at every hit that connected to their face, she could not see the appeal of the sport especially since Goliath was at least one feet taller than Bonnie but she wasn't going to let that affect her night.

She saw Tommy enter and take his seat next to Arthur across from them on the other side of the ring and they locked eyes for a moment as Tommy gave her a nod but Josephine could tell that he was unnerved but she didn't get a chance to think about it for any longer as Ada had pulled her away, wanting to go to the bathroom.

They entered and found Polly and Lizzy already in there and by the sinks.

"Pol" Ada called out as soon as she stepped into the bathroom, "This fight is fixed isn't it?"

"Is that why Bonnie is getting battered out there?" Josephine asked as she looked into the mirror, looking for anything that may need adjusting.

Polly let out a noise of acknowledgement before she turned to Josephine with a pointed finger, "The next time you have a child, I want to be there to tell the gender"

Josephine shared a surprised look with Ada, caught off guard by how the topic came from nowhere

"Who says I'm having another child?" Josephine replied as she turned back to the mirror and fiddled with her hair, "For all you know, Tommy and I are perfectly content with Teddy and we'll be happy with one child."

"Was it not you who said that you didn't enjoy growing up as an only child? Do not play with me miss Josephine" Polly shot back but there wasn't any heat behind it.

Josephine faltered and turned to face Polly, "Honestly, Polly, I haven't even thought about it. Besides, Teddy isn't even a year old."

Polly sent her a smirk which sent Josephine into a fit of laughter. It was the first proper laugh in a while and it was contagious enough that Lizzie and Ada joined in but the laughter trailed off when Linda entered the bathroom.

"Hey, Linda. Welcome to the extraordinary general meeting of the Shelby ladies club." Polly called out to the woman as she took a drag of her cigarette.

"Is there spit on my back? There were men out there spitting. It's fucking disgusting." Linda ignored Polly as she looked in the mirror.

"No, there's no spit on your back," Polly reassured her.

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