Chapter Forty-Eight

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Labour and childbirth were unlike anything Josephine had ever experienced during her life.

Now as she was in one of the spare rooms of the house, trying to give birth, the past few hours felt like a blur to her. Her hands clenched the sheets underneath her, desperately wanting a hand to hold instead and she had the midwives instructing her to push and breathe.

It had been going on for hours and her throat was sore from the shouting and screaming she had been doing and she was also covered in sweat and no doubt she was also bleeding. She knew Tommy and her father were waiting downstairs but her child was taking their time.

"They're nearly here Mrs Shelby! A few more pushes!" One of the midwives told her.

When they gave her the go-ahead, she gave one last push, her brows furrowed in pain as she screamed, beads of sweat dripping down her temple as she did so. She felt a relief of pressure and there were a few moments of silence before tiny shrieks filled the room.

Josephine let out a sob of relief before she collapsed back on the pillows, exhausted yet relieved. One of the midwives placed the baby on her chest and Josephine sobbed as she looked down at them, the midwife took them back to clean them up while the other midwives finished off dealing with her.

Soon the baby was back in her arms, face scrunched up and still letting out tiny shrieks, this time cleaned up and swaddled up. The midwife guided her on how to breastfeed her child and soon she was gazing down at him as he happily fed.

The bedsheets were changed and she was given a quick wash down before Tommy was allowed in the room.

"We have a son, Tommy" Josephine whispered when he slipped through the door.

"A son" Tommy repeated as he slipped into the bed next to her, eyes wide as he looked at his son who was fast asleep after he ate.

"Here, hold him" Josephine passed him to Tommy and Tommy needed no guidance on how to hold him, remembering how to do so from when Finn was a baby.

Josephine shifted uncomfortably for a bit before she managed to find a position that allowed her to cuddle close to him yet didn't cause her any more pain. She was still very sore everywhere but she wanted to enjoy their first moment as a family.

"What shall we name him?"

"Theodore" Josephine hums, "It suits him."

Tommy smiles, "Theodore Jonas Shelby."

Josephine then let out a large yawn, the day's events finally catching up on her and Tommy had to convince her to go take a nap, reassuring her that if Theodore needed anything, then he would wake her.

As Josephine slept, Tommy admired his son. He had dreamed about this day for months and now that he was finally in his arms, he did not know how to act.

Theodore was tiny, easily fitting into his arm and he had a tuff of dark hair on his precious little head and Tommy was enamoured.

"I love you so much. So so much and I promise to keep you and your mother safe for as long as I live."

Tommy's eyes never left his son until Josephine woke up from her nap, still tired but miles better than how she felt before.

"How is he?" She croaked, immediately reaching for the glass of water on the bedside table.

"Still sleeping, hasn't made a peep." Tommy hands Theodore to Josephine.

"It's crazy isn't it, it felt like we waited forever for him but now with him in my arms, it's as if the past year has gone by in a blink" Josephine murmured as she placed Theodore in the bassinet that rested by the bed.

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