Chapter Fifty-Three

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The next morning Josephine awoke to Tommy already awake and puffing on a cigarette. Theodore was still asleep, so it gave them time alone for the first
time in a while.

"Morning " She yawned as cuddled into Tommy's side.

Tommy grunted 'morning' back and gave her a kiss that eventually evolved into much more. They sat in silence together as Josephine traced the tattoos on Tommy's chest before she pulled away, remembering that they never got to exchange gifts.

She reached over him and pulled his gift out from the bedside door before giving it to him.

"Merry belated Christmas"

Tommy placed his cigarette in between his lips so that both of his hands were free to open the gift. It was a new pocket watch with a little message engraved on the inside and Tommy's ups pulled into a smile as he admired it. It was simple but heartfelt.

"Thank you" Tommy gave her one of his special smiles along with a lass before wrapping her back into his arms, "Your gift is downstairs, I'll give it to you tonight"

Josephine nodded in understanding. Right now they were in their own little slice of heaven plus it was nice and warm beneath the covers.

"What's in your schedule today?"

Tommy let out a heavy sigh before he answered, "Meetings, meetings and more meetings"

"Can't say I'm jealous" Josephine jokes.

"I'd much rather spend the day with you and Teddy "

There was a few moments of silence before Tommy spoke again, "Polly wants to talk to you"

Josephine pulled away from him at his words, "Who said I wanted to talk to her?"

"I know you want to. You need to." Tommy knew her more than anyone," She hurt you and you both need to talk to each other"

Josephine whined and fell back onto the bed "I don't have a choice, do l?"

Tommy gave her a smirk, "No"

Josephine signed and decided to drag herself out of bed and get ready for the day since she no longer had the option to lounge around all day.

She and Tommy shared a cup of tea before he left for work and not long after that there was a knock on the door. Josephine heaved a sign and placed Teddy down on a blanket on the floor with a few toys before she made her way over to the door and opened it.

"Polly" Josephine forced a smile on her face, "Tommy told me to expect you, the kettle has just finished boiling, come in."

She left the door open as she retreated back into the house and into the kitchen to make them some tea, allowing Polly to come into the house. When she returned, Polly was sitting on the couch staring at Teddy with a hint of fondness. She barely placed the cups down before Polly spoke up.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." Polly dragged her eyes away from Teddy, "I sat on the other side of the door and listened as you begged and pleaded but I was just so angry."

"And since you couldn't take it out on Tommy, you made me hurt instead." Josephine comments, "You're the closest thing I have to a mother, Pol, you know that right?"

Polly nodded, "I do. That's why I'm so sorry."

Josephine placed her cup of tea on the side table before she turned to face Polly, "Please never do that to me again. I know you suffered a lot and I'm not trying to diminish that but a letter back would have soothed my fears because I thought you hated me."

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