Chapter Twenty-Two

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Josephine spent the rest of the week holed up in her room at Ada's crying her eyes out. Despite it being almost three years since everything first occurred, this was the first time she had acknowledged and approached her feelings about what had happened. She had brushed over and ignored everything initially, not wanting to think or deal with it and she had technically succeeded at it, from last minute moving to Sweden and then drowning herself with her work, she gave herself no time to begin to heal. Then she met William and she was so excited at finally starting anew and forgetting about Birmingham and the people there, that she didn't want to risk and jeopardize the relationship she had with William by acknowledging what had happened.

The more Josephine thought about everything that she had been through the last few years the more her head and heart hurt. After William's death, she accepted that the universe didn't want her to be happy. Josephine wasn't religious like Polly was but in the months after Williams death, she found herself going to church and praying every day, asking the question of why was this happening to her and what did she do to deserve it. What did she do to deserve her long time boyfriend cheating on her or her fiance dying?

The silver lining of her having her breakdown in London was that Ada was there to comfort her and she was exactly the person Josephine needed at the moment. Josephine was inspired by Ada, who herself had lost a husband and became a young single mother who was determined to be independent of her family and provide so her son could live comfortably and whenever Josephine kicked herself for reacting the way she was and feeling overdramatic, Ada was there to bring her back to earth and reassure her. It actually reminded Josephine of Polly but she was most definitely wasn't going to bring it up, not wanting to be on the other end of Ada's famous glare.

Another positive of being in London was that she received many hugs and kisses from Karl, something that Josephine absolutely enjoyed.

Assuming that she was no longer working for Tommy after their little tiff the week before, Josephine was planning on getting a job and contributing towards the house so that Ada wasn't doing everything. Despite how many time Ada said it was okay, she didn't feel like babysitting Karl a few times a week evened it out.

Josephine woke up early on Monday and got dressed before making her way to the kitchen, hearing the chatter from Ada and Karl.

"Where you going, all dressed up like that?" Ada asked, a smile on her face as she placed Karl's breakfast in front of him.

"Looking for a job, not fair for you to do anything." Josephine kissed Karl on the cheek before moving to the stove to make herself a cup of tea.

"You don't need a job" Ada sighed, "I've told you."

"Sorry, Ada but I don't feel comfortable living off you and besides I'm older than you so you can't boss me around." Josephine grinned at Ada

"Are you sure about that?" The other woman threateningly held up the spatula she using in the directing of Josephine, causing both of the women to laugh.

"Anyway, it's London, I'm sure someone out there is willing to give me a job."

"Hmm" Ada didn't look entirely convinced as she put a saucer of will a couple of slices of toast in front of her but she didn't say anything.

It turns out that no one was willing to give her a job. If this was Birmingham, she may have understood, Tommy and the rest of the Peaky Blinders scared people to the point that they'd do anything so they're not associated with them but this was London and Tommy didn't have the effect or control of London like he had Birmingham.

Josephine had a gut feeling as to why she kept on getting rejected but decided not the dwell on it, not wanting to put herself in a negative headspace.

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