Chapter Thirteen

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Josephine had been running around the house ever since she came back from the pub, packing up necessities and valuable items, when she heard the sound of someone at the front door, think it was Polly she made her way towards when it suddenly opened, making her scramble behind the wall, no idea who it was, it wasn't until she recognised the voice that called out for her did she step out.

"Josey! Min blomma!" Jonas shouted, having just made his way back from Small Heath with Danny and Freddie, he immediately went home whilst they went to fight Kimber, desperately wanting to see his daughter.

"Papa?!" Josephine shot towards him, jumping up and hugging him, "Oh papa! Are you okay?!"

Jonas laughed but he was happy to see her, "I'm fine, why don't we sit down eh, have some tea"

Josephine hesitantly nodded, she desperately wanted to leave but she also had to make sure her father was okay, "Yeah c'mon, I get out the first aid kit.."

The pair of them walked towards the kitchen but Jonas stopped when he noticed the suitcases in the living room, turning to his daughter in confusion, "Are you going somewhere?"

Josephine sighed, encouraging her father to keep on walking, "I'll tell you over our tea."

Tea made and first aid kit dug out, Josephine set to work, trying her hardest to clear his wounds without hurting him,

"Tommy cheated on me." Josephine confessed, unable to ignore her father's strong gaze.

"He what?" Jonas was surprised, whilst he knew their relationship had been rocky recently, he had never expected this.

"Yeah, with that barmaid, Grace." Josephine sat back, finished helping her father and took a sip of her tea, "So I've decided to break up with him. I've returned my ring and I'm planning on leaving."

"Leaving? Where do you plan to go?" This was too much to handle at once but Jonas tried his hardest to help his daughter,

"I don't know, but away from here, away from Birmingham."

Jonas was quiet for a few minutes, his eyes focused on the table in front of him, slowly drinking his tea,

"Let's go to Sweden."

"Papa what are you on about?" Josephine didn't understand where this suddenly came from.

"You and me, let's go to Sweden. C'mon Josey, you said you wanted to leave so let's leave." Jonas was deadly serious.

"Papa, I can't ask you to come with, don't be crazy"

"We're all each other has got. I can't let you leave by yourself, let's go together."

"But what about mama? She's buried here! And the shop! What will you do with that." The widower visited his wife's grave as much as possible but they needed this.

"Josephine, this is a step we need to take." Josephine nodded, but short sharp knocks on their door stopped her from speaking, noticing her father jump, she quickly comforted him, "It's fine, it's probably just Polly."

It was indeed Polly, who quickly stepped in, not wanting to be seen by any of the peaky blinders who might rat back to Tommy,

"Ah Jonas, you're back!" The woman hugged him when she stepped into the kitchen.

"Here, take this." She said after briefly digging around in her purse, bringing out a large wad of money. "Take this and leave. Don't tell me where you're going either."

Josephine took the money and brought Polly into a tight hug, tearing up slightly, "I'll miss you Polly. I'll write to you, whenever I can."

Polly hugged her back before hugging Jonas as well, "I'll miss you too but this is for the best."

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