Chapter Forty-Nine

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At four months, Theodore had gained enough weight to turn his cheeks chubby and whenever he smiled they bunched up and revealed the cutest toothless smile one could have.

He was an absolute gem.

He could now support himself on his arms when he was on his tummy, always curious about the things around him, cooing at the things that caught his eyes.

He also saved his first laugh for his father. Tommy had picked him up and raised him in the air and Teddy had released a peal of laughter, absolutely loving his father's actions. Tommy's smile didn't leave his face for the next week and whenever he had the opportunity, he would try to make his precious son laugh.

Jonas also came around often, eager to spend time with his grandson and not only did Josephine love seeing her father and her son together, but she also took the time when he was around to catch up on her sleep.

Now that Teddy began to sleep throughout the night with the odd late night waking for food, It was time to move him to the nursery. He had spent the first four months of his life in his parent's room but he had now grown to the point it was no longer necessary.

Josephine was feeding Teddy while Tommy fiddled with the crib so that he could move it across the hall to the nursery.

She stroked her fingers over his steadily growing curls and smiled down at him as he fed and he grinned back up at her, causing a bit of milk to spill which made Josephine laugh.

Tommy's head popped up, "What happened?"

"Someone thought it was a good idea to smile whilst they were eating"

Tommy released a laugh himself before he ducked back down to continue fiddling with the crib. A few minutes later he popped back up with a tired sigh and his hair dishevelled.

"Stupid thing" He muttered before he turned his gaze to Josephine, "I told you, we should have just bought two."

Josephine was about to reply to him when her focus was pulled to Teddy who had finished feeding and was pulling away. Tommy quickly swooped in and took Teddy and began to burp him, a cloth already over his shoulder, giving Josephine a chance to clean herself up.

"What I was going to say..." She called from their connected bathroom, "It has wheels, Tommy, it cannot truly be that difficult."

Tommy was softly frowning when she returned from the bathroom, whilst still burping Theodore.

"You try it, then"

Josephine bent down in front of the crib and in a few short moments, she had freed the wheels and was able to roll it back and forth. When she stood back up, Tommy playfully rolled his eyes.

"I loosened it"

Josephine snickered before she began to push the crib out of the master bedroom and across the hall to the nursery with Tommy following her.

As she secured the crib, Tommy sat in the rocking chair that they had got not long after

Teddy was born. As he patted Teddy's back, the baby let out a burp that was loud enough to make both his parents jump in surprise.

Josephine laughed while Tommy cooed at their son, making sure he was completely burped before rocking him to sleep.

"He's growing too fast, " Tommy whispered, still rocking back and forth in the chair, "He can already raise himself on his arms, soon he'll be crawling and talking."

"That's the fun part, we can listen to his babbles, talk to him and when he begins to walk we can go on trips around the garden." Josephine comforted him.

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