Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"For Angel!"

As soon as Tommy saw the gunman jump forward, he tried to move Josephine out of the line of fire but he wasn't quick enough, the bullet struck her and she collapsed back into his arms.

"Get me a fucking ambulance now!" Tommy shouted to the people around him.

He turned his gaze back to Josephine who was in his arms, there was blood all over her chest and neck and Tommy sure that some had gotten on him as well.

The sound of her whimper caught his attention and he was surprised to see her still conscious, he could see the fear in her eyes as they flickered around, confused but when they started to flutter shut, panic overcame him and he started to shout for help again and placed his hands over her wound, in hopes that it would help.

The rest the night was like a blur to him, he barely remembers the ambulance coming or the trip to the hospital and it was only when his aunt sat next to him in one of the chairs outside of the room where Josephine was being treated in, did he snap back to reality.

"Any news?"

Tommy clenched his jaw, "No."

Tommy was scared, he was scared to lose Josephine. They hadn't been married long and now she was on the brink of death, her life in the hands of the doctors inside of the room who he had no other choice but to trust.

Tommy feared that if she survived, that when she woke up, she would want nothing to do with him anymore and even though the thought made his heart clench, he'd take it over her dying. He would never forgive himself if she died.

At some point, his aunt left and when she returned, she was out of the extravagant dress she wore to the charity dinner and dressed in something more normal and she brought along a change of clothes for Tommy as well.

She insisted that he changed out of the blood-stained clothes and told him he should try to wash off the dried blood that was still on his skin and he initially didn't want to, thinking that if he left for even a second then he would miss vital news about Josephine but then he realized how uncomfortable he felt in the clothes, so he did what she asked.

It would be a couple more hours until the doctor came out of the room, his scrubs splattered with blood.

Tommy stood up when the doctor stepped out, eager to hear the news on Josephine.

"We've stabled her" The doctor informs, much to Tommy's relief, "But she isn't in the clear yet. We'll move her into her room soon."

"Thank you, doctor," Polly said in place of Tommy who was silent.

Tommy had paid for a private room, not wanting her to share a room with anyone but as soon as she was safe enough he would be taking her home.

The doctor nodded at them before he left and Tommy slumped back into the chair, running his hands over his face, everything was still unsure.

After Josephine was settled into her room, Tommy was practically glued to her bedside. He didn't care for business at the moment and he'd deal with the Italians tomorrow because he needed some time alone with Josephine, even if she was unconscious.

His time alone didn't last long, there was a knock on the door before someone slipped in and thinking it was his aunt or his brothers, he was ready to tell them to piss off but it wasn't his family, it was Jonas.

The older man looked like he had been dragged through hell and back and Tommy guessed that it wasn't that far from the truth. No doubt seeing his daughter get shot and almost bleed to death must have shaken Jonas to his core.

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