Chapter Thirty - Three

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The Dates

Tommy took Josephine on dates similar to their first one over the next few months and Josephine's heart was claimed by him in no time, she loved him wholeheartedly and felt that she could trust him again. There was always a part of her that loved him, so it didn't surprise her how quickly she fell but she thought it would take a few more months until her trust in him was rebuilt but he was doing as he promised, telling her about what was going on with the business and not going off alone on his secret plans, meeting with strange and new people.

She had also begun working, Tommy had initially offered to pay for anything and everything so she didn't have to work but she declined his offer not wanting to be a burden on him, she also knew she would get bored sitting around doing nothing all day. He also offered her the job as his secretary again but she declined it as well, knowing that spending eight hours (or more in Tommy's case) working together and then spending time with each other afterwards, wouldn't be good for either of them.

Despite his two previous offers, Tommy had another idea up his sleeve. He had boarded up the store she used to run with her father and if she wanted to, she could open up a new store. So she did, she kept it as a candy shop and after hiring a few employees, they were back in business and it once again became a popular store on Small Heath's highstreet. Many of the locals recognized her and were glad she was back, they also asked about her father and she happily responded to their questions.

Josephine was genuinely happy for the first time in a while and everything was going perfectly well until she noticed something off about Tommy but it wouldn't be another month or so did she make the realisation on why.

He took her to dinner in London, something she adored and found absolutely romantic. He also took her to plays, the circus and even went dancing with her which she would never forget but she soon realised all the dates were now big and extravagant and while she really loved them, she also loved the dates where she and Tommy would stare at the stars all night, or sit by the canal or watch a movie at the cinema. She enjoyed and appreciated both of them but the simpler local ones reminded her of how she used to be with Tommy before the war.

Josephine decided to talk to him about it, she didn't want him to feel like he had to go above and beyond to impress her because all he needs to is be himself. She loves him for who he is.

She made her way to his office on her lunch break and luckily he was in, Lizzie, who Tommy had hired on a fulltime basis waved her through and she slipped into his office. He was hunched over his desk like usual and no matter how many times she told him it was bad for his back, he continued to do it.

"Are you free to talk?" Josephine watched as he raised his head at the sound of her voice.

Tommy pulled out his pocket watch to check the time before he smiled at her, "I've got a meeting in an hour. What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Josephine quickly reassured him as she moved to sit opposite him, "We just need to talk about something."

"Something?" Tommy raised an eyebrow

"Our dates."

"What about 'em"

"They've changed."

"You don't like them?" Tommy looked mildly concerned, worried that he was dragging her to things she didn't like.

"No, I love them!" Josephine reassured him

"Then what's wrong?"

"Don't get me wrong because I love our dinner dates in London and plays you take me to. I especially enjoyed when we went dancing." Josephine smiled at him, "But I also loved going to the cinema with you and when you take me with you when you ride on the horses. Why have you stopped them?"

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