Chapter 34

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紀明越不想掰彎林風、強行改變他的性取向是一碼事, 要不要給情敵送助攻、甚至送人頭,那又是另外一碼事。

It's one thing that Ji Mingyue doesn't want to bend Lin Feng and forcibly change his sexual orientation. It's a different matter whether he should assist his rival in love or send them away.

雖然他早就知道, 前世大約就在這個時候, 林風和許瀅瀅談戀愛的傳聞開始在學校里四處流竄,但這不代表, 他自己也要在其中出一把力。

Although he has known for a long time that it was about this time in his previous life that the rumors of Lin Feng and Xu Yingying falling in love began to flow around the school, it does not mean that he himself should make a contribution to it.


Put someone you like into someone else's arms? He is not that stupid!

許瀅瀅氣得俏臉微紅, 四下環顧了一周, 又往教室里望了一眼。林風就坐在教室里寫題,因為這周換座位,他們在靠窗那一排, 許瀅瀅如果要「親自」叫他出來, 勢必得站在教室門口大喊一聲、或者頂著整個教室的目光、直接走到他面前才行。

Xu Yingying's face was red with rage. He looked around for a week and looked at the classroom again. Lin Feng is sitting in the classroom writing questions. Because this week, when they change seats, they are in the row near the window. If Xu Yingying wants to call him out "in person", he must stand at the door of the classroom and shout, or face the whole classroom's eyes and walk directly in front of him.

偏偏面前這個氣人的小子, 還不著急走了, 就在原地眨眼看著她,一副「我就圍觀你怎麼叫他出來」的模樣, 讓她更覺羞恥。

The annoying boy in front of her is still not in a hurry, just staring at her in the same place, with a look of "I will watch you how to call him out", making her more shameful.

她本來就是心高氣傲、眾人追捧的「校花」, 這會兒要是太主動貼上去,估計不到晚上就能榮登學校貼吧首頁。

She is a proud and popular "school flower". If she posts it on her own initiative at this time, she will be on the front page of the school post bar in the evening.

她咬了一下嘴唇, 憤憤瞪了紀明越一眼, 踩著小皮鞋「啪嗒啪嗒」地離開了。

She bit her lips, glared at Ji Mingyue angrily, and stepped on her leather shoes and left.

讓前世最強力的情敵吃了個癟,紀明越的心情緊張又愉快, 他正要轉身往教室里走,後面忽然又有人叫他︰「等一下,紀明越?」

Let the most powerful rival from his past eat a shrivel.

Ji Mingyue was in an excited and happy mood. He was about to turn around and walk into the classroom. Suddenly someone called him, "wait a minute, Ji Mingyue? "

這回的聲音是個男聲, 男聲總不至于是情敵了吧?紀明越嘴角上揚,回頭去看,然後笑容就凝固在了唇邊。

This time, the voice is a male voice. The male voice is not the enemy of love, is it? Ji Mingyue looks up, looks back, and then smiles freeze on his lips.


... It's the real one. (suspected) rival in love!



Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob (拯救校草的那些日子) EN TranslateWhere stories live. Discover now