Chapter 31

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Ji Mingyue remembers the next ten years.

不是他讓紀宏以為的、碎片一般的預知夢境, 而是真實經歷過的十年。

It's not the fragmentary dream he made Jihong think, but the ten years he experienced.

不過這樣一來,他也就很難巨細靡遺地向紀宏描述、這十年間具體都發生了什麼, 奧運盛況?美帝選舉?毒奶粉地溝油?醫改?可說的太多了, 反而變得無從下手。

However, in this way, it is difficult for him to describe to Ji Hong in detail what happened in the past ten years, the grand Olympic Games? The US election? Toxic gutter oil milk powder? Health care reform? Too much to say, however there are now way to be able to set the story

紀明越想了想,問道︰「爸, 你為什麼這麼問?」

Ji Mingyue thought about it and asked, "Dad, why do you ask? "

「你還記得你說過, 關于那塊地的問題嗎?」紀宏道。

"Do you remember what you said about the land? "Ji Hong said.

紀明越點頭, 他當然記得的,這塊地在他看來,是導致紀宏出意外的罪魁禍首之一, 仇恨值很高。

Ji Mingyue nodded. Of course, he remembered that this land was one of the culprits that led to Ji Hong's accident in his eyes. The level of hatred was very high.

「之前听你那麼說, 我也是抱著寧可信其有、不可信其無的想法。」紀宏道, 「但就在昨天, 警方通知我,他們在山後的荒林里找到了大量受害人的遺體。」

"Before I heard you say that, I also held the idea that I would rather believe what I have than what I don't have. "Ji Hong said," but just yesterday, the police informed me that they found a large number of victims' remains in the wild forest behind the mountain. "

「找到了?」前世紀明越一直在國外, 並不清楚具體的藏尸地, 只能指出一個大概的範疇,讓紀宏以「有人形跡可疑」為由, 請求警方多加注意。

"Found it? "In the previous life Ji Mingyue had been abroad he didn't know the exact location of the corpses and he could only point general conclusion. Ji Hong asked the police to pay more attention to it on the basis of" someone is suspicious. "

警方畢竟警力有限, 紀明越又沒有證據,不可能在這上面花費太多精力, 因此他本來沒敢抱太大希望,這會听到這個消息,心立刻提了起來︰「那人呢, 抓到沒有?」

After all, the police force is limited, and Ji Mingyue has no evidence, so he can't spend too much energy on it. So he didn't dare to hold too much hope. He would hear the news, and his heart immediately said, "what about the man, did you catch him? "


"Not yet. It is said that the man had a certain awareness to avoid crime investigator and runs fast. "Ji Hong said," but according to the information on the victim's body, the earliest case of disappearance can be traced back to eight years ago. There are also eight bodies that can be found and pieced together by the police. The serial killer has been dormant for so long, which is absolutely insane! "


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