Chapter 38

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Ji Mingyue told Lin Feng, "spring outings without snacks are soulless! "

哪怕他大學同學組織去野外bbq、一起踏青, 不帶上零食都覺得缺了什麼;何況他大學畢業後,宅在家里畫畫的時候,  嚓 嚓的零食往往更是他的靈感之源!

Even if his college classmates organize a field bbq and will be going on foot together, he felt like he was missing something without snacks; not to mention that when he was painting at home after graduating from college, the snacks were often his source of inspiration!

林風被他逗得笑了下︰「春游有沒有靈魂不知道, 你知道期中考試的靈魂是什麼?」

Lin Feng was so amused by him that he laughed, "I don't know if there is any soul in the spring outing, but do you know the soul of midterm exam? "


"... What? "

「背題。」林風拿中性筆輕輕敲了他一下。基礎弱的前提下,就把能靠死記硬背拿下的分都拿下, 多得一分是一分, 「古詩詞都背完了嗎?好久沒檢查你了, 桑之未落,其葉沃若,下一句是什麼?」

"Reviewing question" Lin Feng tapped him lighltly with a ballpoint pen. On the premise of weak foundation, all the scores that can be obtained by rote memorization will be obtained. One more score is one point. "Have all the ancient poems been memorized? I haven't checked you for a long time. Mulberry has not sheds its leaves, How green and fresh they are*. What's the next sentence? "

「......」突如其來的抽考讓紀明越猝不及防, 「......于嗟鳩兮, 無食桑葚?」

"..." Suddenly, the examination took Ji Ming off guard, "... Ah, turtle-dove, Do not eat the mulberries?"


"How to write the mulberries? "

「......草字頭, 下面一個甚至的甚。」

"... Cursive head, the bottom part is even worse. "

"What about the next sentence? "

「于嗟女兮, 無與士耽。士之耽兮,猶可也......」

"Ah, girls,Do not take your pleasure with men!A man can take pleasure And get away with it, "


"How to write "get away"?"

「讀作'脫', 寫作'說'脫'', 通假字......」
"It Read as" take off " ('脫'), but write as" say " ('脫'),tongjia characters......"

「嗯。」林風一本正經,作欣慰狀, 「上次你這個字就錯了, 讓你看,還半天沒看出來錯在哪兒。」

"Um. "Lin Feng was serious and comforted." last time, you were wrong. Let me show you,

I haven't seen what's wrong in half a day. "


"I know I'm wrong ..." Ji Mingyue slumped on the table.

至此, 他對春游與零食燃起的熱情之火,成功被無情又無理取鬧的學習浪潮徹底撲滅。

So far, his enthusiasm for spring outings and snacks has been completely extinguished by the relentless and unreasonable wave of learning.


Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob (拯救校草的那些日子) EN TranslateWhere stories live. Discover now