Chapter 29 Dad

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Ji Mingyue asked him if he knew what he had done wrong.

饒是再怎麼聰明, 林風一時之間也想不到紀明越這話的邏輯,他問︰「你在說什麼?你什麼做錯了?」

Despite how smart he is, Lin Feng couldn't understand the logic of Ji Mingyue's words for a moment. He asked, "What are you talking about?" What did you do wrong? "

「......我不知道。」紀明越搖了搖頭, 茫然道, 「我也不知道我哪里做錯了。」

"... I don't know." Ji Mingyue shook his head and said blankly, "I don't know what I did wrong. "

他仰臉看著林風,恍惚道︰「是不是不管用多少辦法, 最後終點的答案永遠只有那一個?不管怎麼努力, 答案是早就寫好的, 該怎麼樣還是會怎麼樣,該死的人還是會死......」

He looked up at Lin Feng and said in a trance, "No matter how many methods you tried, would the final outcome will always be the only one? No matter how hard you try, the final outcome is already written, how you should or will be, and eventually the fucking person will die... "

最後一句話听起來太駭人,紀明越把臉重新埋進膝蓋里, 不再繼續往下說了。

The last sentence sounded terrible. Ji Mingyue buried his face in his knee again and stopped talking.

他絕對不能等到答案出來的那一天, 才知道錯在哪里, 那樣什麼都晚了。

He absolutely can not wait until the day the final outcome revealed only to know that it was wrong, it would be too late

要是他誰都救不了, 什麼也不能改變,那他重生一回究竟有什麼意義?

If he can't save anyone and nothing can be changed, what is the significance of his rebirth?

除了他們兩個、空無一人的小禮堂實在太冷了。紀明越冷得厲害, 連骨髓深處都在情不自禁地打著顫。他慢慢呼出一口氣, 用手背抹了把眼楮,想撐地站起來, 告訴林風他沒事, 只是隨便感慨一下......

It was so cold in the empty little auditorium except for the two of them. Ji Mingyue was so cold that he could not help trembling deep in his bone marrow. He breathed out slowly and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. He wanted to stand up and tell Lin Feng that he was okay. He just sighed casually.

他的手掌剛剛接觸到地面,眼前一暗, 周身的寒氣忽然被一陣暖意取代。

His palm had just touched the ground, his eyes were dark, and suddenly the cold around him was replaced by a warm feeling.


He took a half-beat later to react that he was being embraced.


In the limited field of vision, he could see that Lin Feng kneels in front of him on one knee.

紀明越想要後仰、看一看林風此刻的表情, 想知道林風為什麼要抱他,卻被林風按住了後腦,徑直扣在他肩膀上︰「別動。鼻涕往一個地方蹭就行了,回家還要洗衣服。」

Ji Mingyue wants to look back and see Lin Feng's expression at the moment.

Want to know why Lin Feng would hug him, but Lin Feng holds him in the back of his head and sticks it on his shoulder: "Don't move. Just rub your nose in one place and wash your clothes when you get home. "

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