Chapter 41 the white lie

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紀明越特意下了樓, 一直走到醫院的地下一層停車場。零點前後的地下停車場寒冷空曠,燈光幽暗, 頗有種即將上演鬼片的感覺。
Ji Mingyue went downstairs deliberately and walked all the way to the parking lot on the basement floor of the hospital. The underground parking lot around midnight is cold and empty, the lights are dim, and there is a feeling that a ghost film is about to be staged.

    紀明越跺了跺腳, 哈了口氣,雖然有點嚇人, 但看在偏僻寂靜、有人過來他能第一時間听見的份上, 他還是得忍。
Ji Mingyue stomped his foot and sighed, although it was a little scary, but it is remote and quiet, if there is someone who comes over he would be able to hear it  first, therefor he still has to endure

    他靠在停車場出口處, 把手機按亮,給紀宏發了條短信過去︰「爸,你睡了嗎?」

He leaned at the exit of the parking lot, pressed the phone, and sent a text message to Ji Hong: "Dad, are you asleep?"

    紀宏的回答, 是直接給他撥了電話回來︰「還在看文件。」
Ji Hong's answer was to call him back directly: "Still reading documents."

It was not a question.

Ji Hong has been waiting for his call.

    從下午得知林風家里出事的消息, 紀明越就知道, 他必須要給紀宏打這個電話了。
Knowing the news of the accident at Lin Feng's house in the afternoon, Ji Mingyue knew that he had to call Ji Hong.

    解決極品舅舅一家的事還在其次, 其實紀明越自己炫個富,表明一下林風將來都不會缺錢你們可以圓潤地滾了, 也能勉強招架過去, 盡管會存在相當的後患;最主要的問題在于——江曼雲醫療費的巨大缺口。
Solving the problem of the maternal uncle's family is still second, in fact, Ji Mingyue is showing off his wealth, It shows that Lin Feng will not be short of money in the future. can still roll smoothly, and you can barely parry the past, although there will be considerable future troubles The main problem is the huge gap in jiangmanyun's medical expenses.

    前世林風是靠賣掉家里唯一的房子、加上沒日沒夜地打工,才勉強支撐過去, 而現在, 以紀明越自己剩余的零花錢,再怎麼劃拉「補課費」, 也是不足以補上這個缺口的。
In the past, Lin Feng managed to support the past by selling his family's only house and working day and night. Now, how to draw "tuition fees" with Ji Mingyue's remaining pocket money is not enough to fill the gap.

He must ask for Ji Hong's help.

To involve Jihong to 'act together' in the play is more like a breakthrough,That is what Ji Hong once taught him: "If you want the other party to recognize you more quickly, it is best to let him feel that you are in the same trench with him."

    那時候是紀宏想退休, 拉著剛回國的紀明越,手把手教他經商處事的謀略手段,想試著培養他看看。後來發現他實在不是這塊料,干脆「放他自由」,找了紀明越的遠房表哥姚琛來頂上。
At that time, Ji Hong wanted to retire. He took Ji Mingyue, who had just returned home, and taught him the strategic means of doing business. He wanted to try to cultivate him. Later, it was found that he was really not this material, so he simply "let him be free" and asked Yao Chen, Ji Mingyue's distant cousin, to come to the top.

At that time, Ji Mingyue thought that his rotten wood could not be carved*. Later, he found that he just had no talent for business.
*) a helpless case

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