Chapter 27 Memories

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林風低下頭, 剛好能看清他殷紅柔嫩的嘴唇,以及嘴唇周圍細軟的茸毛。

Lin Feng lowered his head and could just see his red and tender lips and the soft hairs around them.


He really want to touch it.

林風被自己突然產生的念頭嚇了一跳, 他頓了頓, 找了一個理由拒絕︰「我不會喝酒。」

Lin Feng was shocked by his sudden thought. He paused and found a reason to refuse: "I can't drink."

白酒太辛辣,喝了啤酒、從喉嚨里返上來的那股味道也很難聞, 所以他平時很少喝酒, 應該也不算在欺騙紀明越?

Liquor taste too pungent, After drinking beer, the smell coming back from his throat is also very bad, so he seldom drinks alcohol at ordinary times. Should it not be counted as cheating Ji Mingyue?

「哦......」紀明越有些失望, 不過也沒有勉強,「那好吧,那我就先去玩了......你要唱歌嗎?我可以順手幫你點了。」

"Oh..." Ji Mingyue was disappointed, but he did not force him, "Okay, then I'll go and play first.... Are you going to sing? I can help you pick a song"


Lin Feng: "No need "


Ji Mingyue: "would you like some food? There is some on the fruit tray over there..."

林風︰「......也不用, 謝謝。」

Lin Feng: "... No, thanks. "

「......」接連被拒絕, 紀明越好像有那麼點委屈, 林風猜他以前應該沒被人這麼拒絕過。結果紀明越嘴巴扁了扁, 卻只是輕輕應了一句,「嗯, 那我走了。」

"... "Rejected one after another, Ji Mingyue seems to be a little dejected. Lin Feng guessed that he had never been so rejected before. As a result, Ji Mingyue's mouth flattened, but he only responded gently, "Well, then I'll go"

那一瞬間, 林風忽然有些後悔。

At that moment, Lin Feng suddenly had some regrets.

但紀明越是說走就走,非常痛快, 很快就去了包廂另一頭, 繼續和一群人熱熱鬧鬧地做起游戲來。

Yet Ji Mingyue who just said that he would go, seems very happy, soon went to the other end of the box, and continued to play cheerfully with a group of people.

包廂里燈光太暗,林風看不清楚他們具體在做什麼, 只能模糊听到大笑聲、「罰酒!」「罰酒!」的起哄聲,看著他們鬧得前仰後合,紀明越的紅色外套在里面異常醒目。

The light in the box was so dim that Lin Feng could not see what they were doing. He could only vaguely hear laughter and "drink up!" "drink up!" The uproar of Ji Mingyue's red coat stood out in the wake of their uproar.

......林風已經開始思考, 要找個什麼理由參與進游戲了。

... Lin Feng has begun to think about what reason he could say to participate in the game.


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