Chapter 42

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紀明越和紀宏在停車場的電話, 一直持續到很晚。

Ji Mingyue and Ji Hong's phone call in the parking lot lasted until very late.

紀宏又追問了紀明越諸多關于「夢」的細節問題。紀明越其實不是第一天想到這個方法,實際上他想了很久了, 只是因為一直不願意對父親說謊, 所以一拖再拖,直到被追問到進退兩難的地步, 往前往後都是深淵, 他才不得不說了出來。

Ji Hong asked Ji Mingyue many details about the dream. Ji Mingyue didn't think of this method for the first time. In fact, he thought about it for a long time, but because he didn't want to lie to his father, he delayed until he was questioned to the point where he was in a dilemma, and there was an abyss ahead and behind, so he had to say it.

紀宏見紀明越一一都能作答, 而且在說起那個「夢」時,的確有一種前世今生般的恍惚感,再加上之前那些鬼魅一樣準確的預言, 他漸漸地信了。

Ji Hong saw that Ji Mingyue can answer all the questions one by one. When he talks about the dream, he really has a kind of trance like the past life and the present life. Coupled with the previous monster* like prophecy accuracy, he gradually believes in it.

當然, 最重要的一點, 是他和紀明越一樣, 不敢賭,也賭不起。

Of course, the most important point is that, like Ji Mingyue, he is afraid to gamble and can't afford to.

愛妻早逝, 他從未起過再婚的念頭, 紀明越幾乎是他唯一的至親,對這個孩子, 他一直是嬌縱到近乎溺愛的。

His beloved wife died early, and he never thought of remarrying. Ji Mingyue is almost the only close relative of him. For this child, he has been indulgent to almost spoiling

作為一個單親家庭的孩子, 紀明越好像長得歪了點兒︰他有點「軟」,有點嬌氣, 不管多大了也還是喜歡賴在父親膝頭撒嬌,不怎麼像這個年紀的「標準男孩」。

As a child of a single parent family, Ji Mingyue seems to be a little crooked: he is a little "soft" and a little bit delicate. No matter how old he is, he still likes to play coquetry on his father's lap. He is not like a "standard boy" of this age.

紀宏偶然听到過紀明越的同學給他起的外號——「大小姐」,連他听了都要失笑︰夠氣人, 可還真挺貼切。

Ji Hong accidentally heard the nickname given to him by Ji Mingyue's classmates - "big missy". Even when he heard it, he would laugh: it's annoying, but it's very appropriate.


However, who defines which gender must do what thing to be "proper"? Rather than expecting Ji Mingyue to be a standard "girl" or "boy", Ji Hong hopes that he can grow into a free*  "person": cheerful, kind-hearted, with his own principles and patience.


It is more gratifying for him to accomplish this rather than have him be one "proper boy".


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