Chapter 24

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    負責校慶晚會排練的魏老師有一條名言︰「我不佔用你們的假期時間, 只要在該排練的時候好好排練,保證效率, 就不會出問題。」

Ms. Wei, who is in charge of rehearsing the school anniversary party, has a famous saying: "I don't occupy your vacation time, as long as you rehearse well during the rehearsal to ensure efficiency, there will be no problems."

這條「政策」讓她飽受參與表演的學生愛戴, 不過也有小道消息稱,她是因為家里有個今年就中考的兒子, 為了監督兒子在家學習, 才不在假期來學校的。

This "policy" made her popular with the students who participated in the performance, but there were also rumors that she did not come to school on vacation because she had a son who had passed the entrance examination this year to supervise his study at home.

紀明越听說這流言的時候, 簡直大跌眼鏡︰他前世沒有契機接觸這位老師,今生第一次看見她的時候,還覺得她年輕又漂亮, 最多三十出頭, 沒想到她連兒子都要中考了!

Ji Mingyue was shocked when he heard the rumor: he had no chance to contact the teacher in his previous life. When he saw her for the first time in his life, he thought she was young and beautiful. At most, she was in her early thirties. He didn't expect that she has a son who is already taking entrance examination.

「其實也正常。」有人八卦道, 「我媽認識她老公單位的人, 听說她老公長得帥工資又高,還特別愛她, 上街牽著老婆不牽兒子。我媽說像這種不吃什麼苦、有人疼, 還沒煩惱的人,就是比普通人老得慢......」

"Actually it is as expected" Someone gossiping "My mother knows people from her husband's office and hears that her husband is handsome and has a high salary. He also loves her very much. He would take her wife hand in the street instead of his son. My mother said that people like this who don't eat anything bitter, never have pain or worries would age slower than ordinary people.... "


"Oh... "

紀明越正跟著認真點頭, 卻見那人忽然話鋒一轉, 直接拍著他的肩膀、扯到他身上來︰「所以說,像你這樣的, 十年以後,也肯定比我們年輕多了哈哈哈哈......」

Ji Mingyue was nodding earnestly, but he saw the man suddenly turn, clapping him directly on the shoulder pulling on his body: "So, someone like you, in ten years'time should look much younger than us, Hahaha... "


"Get out of here!" Ji Mingyue kicked him. "What is it like me?"

盡管開端不是那麼愉快, 但在一起排練久了,男生們也漸漸生出了革命情誼。尤其他們有天還無聊之極地繞到體育館正門,特地去看門前牌子上寫的捐贈人,居然真是姓紀的,從此對紀明越更多了不少調侃和打趣。

Although the beginning was not so pleasant, the boys gradually developed revolutionary friendship after rehearsing together for a long time. Especially when they were bored and roam around the main entrance of the gymnasium one day, to see the donors written on the front sign were really surnamed Ji. From then on, they made fun of Ji Mingyue


Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob (拯救校草的那些日子) EN TranslateWhere stories live. Discover now