Chapter 28 Nightmare

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    距離校慶的日子越來越近, 他們的排練也越來越緊張。

The days of the anniversary are getting closer and closer, and their rehearsals are getting more and more tense.

紀明越他們的前桌看見紀明越老是打哈欠,忍不住問︰「你們排練那麼累的嗎, 天天都練到幾點啊?」

The student seated on Ji Mingyue front desk saw Ji Mingyue yawning all the time, He couldn't help asking, "Are you guys so tired in rehearsal? What time do you practice every day?"

「還行。」紀明越把錯題本拿出來, 托著下頜謄抄上次小考做錯的題目,又打了個哈欠, 「我主要是最近沒睡好覺。」

"It's okay." Ji Mingyue took out the wrong question, he prop his jaw and copied the wrong answers from the last quiz, and yawned again. "I mainly didn't sleep well recently."


"Why aren't you sleeping well?" asks they boy on their front desk


Ji Mingyue answer "i am having nightmare."

他話音剛落, 便感覺林風在旁邊轉頭看了他一眼。

As soon as his voice fell, he felt Lin Feng turn around and look at him.


The front desk continued to ask, "What kind of nightmares?"

「夢見你在小樹林里跟我表白, 我說不行,你哭著求我,說只要我肯答應什麼都願意做......」紀明越眼都不眨地滿嘴跑火車。

"Dream of you confessing to me in the woods. I said no. You cried and begged me and said you'll do anything as long as I agree..." Ji Mingyue ran his mouth talking nonsense without blinking an eye.

「......靠!」鋼鐵直男前桌深感受辱, 罵了一聲之後, 憤憤轉回頭去了。

"...fuck you! "The straight as a rod man on the front desk was deeply humiliated. After scolding, he turned his head back..

紀明越在他身後樂不可支, 林風寫完一科作業, 一邊收練習冊一邊問了句︰「沒事?」

Ji Mingyue was overjoyed behind him. Lin Feng finished his homework and asked, "Is it all right? "

「啊,沒事。」紀明越又打了個哈欠, 從書桌里拿出兩盒牛奶, 一盒自己掰了吸管插|進去喝,另一盒則往林風的方向推了推, 「你要嗎?」

"Ah, it's all right." Ji Mingyue yawned again and took out two boxes of milk from his desk. One box broke its suction pipe and went in to drink. The other box pushed in the direction of Lin Feng. "Do you want it?" "

「不用, 我不餓。」

"No need, I'm not hungry. "

「就當是零食嘛,反正我都帶來了。」自從說開之後, 紀明越投喂起來也大方多了,他咬著吸管,把那盒牛奶一路推到林風桌上, 「喝吧喝吧。」

"Just snacks. I brought them anyway." Since then, Ji Mingyue has been more generous in feeding him. He bites the straw and pushes the box of milk all the way to Lin Feng table. "Drink it."


Lin Feng had to accept it, He glanced at him and said,, "You can boil hot water before going to bed, drink it or soak your feet with it, so that you can sleep better."

Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob (拯救校草的那些日子) EN TranslateWhere stories live. Discover now