Chapter 37

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因為案件的保密性, 紀明越沒能見到這起連環殺人案的凶手。

Because of the confidentiality of the case, Ji Mingyue was not able to see the murderer of the serial murder case.

但是據接待他的派出所民警說,這個人的氣質面貌都普通至極, 也許你和他在大街上擦肩而過, 都不會留下什麼印象,如果不知道他是犯下如此窮凶極惡罪行的人, 第一眼見他, 甚至會覺得這個人有些木訥軟弱。

But according to the police at the local police station where he was received, this man's temperament and appearance are very common. Maybe you pass him in the street and you won't leave any impression. If you don't know that he is the one who has committed such a heinous crime, you will even feel that he is a little dull and weak at first sight.

警察說來也嘖嘖稱奇, 凶手居然是在今天凌晨的臨市落網的。普通人都覺得,罪行一旦敗露、當然是要逃得越遠越好,這個人卻反其道而行之, 他膽子極大, 而且對自己有一種近乎狂妄的自信, 沒有遠遠逃竄, 而是潛藏在了北城的臨市里。

Police said it was amazing that the murderer was caught in the city in the early morning. Ordinary people think that once a crime is exposed, the further it is to escape, the better. This man is on the contrary. He is very brave, and has a kind of almost arrogant confidence in himself. Instead of running away, he hides in the neighboring city of Beicheng.

警方的通緝令不僅沒有讓他有所收斂,還更激發了他骨子里的反社會凶性, 凶手試圖在臨市再次尋找目標犯案, 以此作為對警方的示威和挑釁。

The police warrant not only didn't let him be restrained, but also stimulated his anti social murders. The murderer tried to find the target again in the nearby city as a demonstration and provocation to the police.

要不是受害人曾無意間見到他的通緝令,對他留有一定的印象, 恐怕她就會成為這宗連環殺人案的卷宗里、記錄下的第九具尸體。

If the victim had not inadvertently seen his wanted notice and left a certain impression on him, I am afraid that she would have become the ninth corpse recorded in the volume of this serial homicide.

紀明越沒能見到凶手, 還是遠遠見到了這位受害人的。

Ji Mingyue didn't see the murderer, but he saw the victim far away.

隔著一扇窗,能看到少女之前應該畫著魅惑艷麗的妝容, 盡管現在煙燻妝已經變成了兩只大大的熊貓眼;她穿著黑色短裙配長靴,露出一截雪白的大腿來,然而現在也沾滿了灰塵和稀薄凌亂的血漬。

Through a window, you can see that the girl should have painted charming and gorgeous make-up before, although now the smoky make-up has become two big panda eyes; she is wearing a black skirt and boots, revealing a section of white thighs, but now it is also covered with dust and thin messy blood stains.

她只回答了幾句警察的問話, 就崩潰又後怕地伏在桌上大哭起來。

She answered only a few questions from the police, then collapsed and fell down on the table in fear of crying.


It should be because of her mental capacity The police officer in charge of questioning her was a policewoman who, when she saw it, stood up with a sigh, and patted her shoulder, which shook slightly.


"See if she later still dare or not to run away from home, tsk..."

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