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"Happy birthday to you," I woke up in Ms. Lee's living room with Jooheon singing first. I smiled softly, sitting up and stretching. "Happy birthday to you!"

Minhyuk and Ms. Lee came out of the kitchen with a birthday breakfast, singing along too. "Happy birthday dear Kihyun, happy birthday to you!" I smiled, softly blowing out the candles.

Minhyuk handed me my breakfast smiling with me. "So I'm taking you home to get some of your things and then we're going to your appointment then to the hospital?" He asked.

I nodded, taking a bite of my pancakes. "Yeah, but come in with me when I see Jae and a Wonho. I'm not tryna catch a case on my 18th, I'll be tried as an adult." I chuckled softly.

Ms. Lee grabbed her keys. "Come on, Jooheon. I gotta get you to school and go off to work."

I reached my hand out for Jooheon, giving him a hug. "Bye kiddo," I smiled softly. He smiled, wrapping his arms around me tightly before going with his mom. As soon as the door closed, I threw my head in my hands.

"What's wrong?" Minhyuk asked, scooting the pancakes out of the way.

I looked up at him. "When I was 13, I saw my 18th birthday so clearly. I was gonna have Abraham gone, my mom was gonna come together for me, Changkyun was gonna be here, and that's all I needed. Abe's gone, Mama's gone, Changkyun's gone. I got one out of three right. I'm just not excited. And you can have the rest of my pancakes, I'm not really hungry."

He nodded, taking the plate back in the kitchen. "You've been sleeping on this couch for two days. Do you need your back cracked?" Minhyuk asked.

I shrugged. "I'm alright. I just want this day to get over with." I went to get dressed quickly so I could get to my house and out even quicker.

Minhyuk and I stood at the front door, and I felt the rage begin to radiate from both of us. I rang the doorbell. When Wonho opened the door, I saw him go to speak, but I shook my head. "Where Jae?" I asked.

"He's in the bathroom," Wonho sighed sadly. "Kihyun, when are you gonna forgive me? Hyungwon... he's living. He's living, he loves you and you get to spend the rest of your life with him. You win, why won't you forgive me?"

Minhyuk grabbed my arm, keeping me from swinging on him. "Don't," he said. "It's not worth it." I sighed, taking a deep breath.

"I won't even be forgiving you when Hyungwon confronts you. I'll only consider it when he forgives you. Maybe won't forgive you even then. Today is my 18th birthday and  I will be spending it in a hospital. All day. Because the one person I wanna spend it with is stuck there." I walked in, sitting on the chair adjacent to the couch. "I don't win either, he doesn't love me, you tainted that word for him. He trusts me, and that's even a thin little thread. I'm gonna have to take care of him more now because of how much you hurt him. I don't understand why this isn't getting through to you."

Minhyuk stood next to it. "You know Ma loved you? Out of all of Hyungwon's friends, she always asked about you and always wanted to do for you. And you did that to her favorite son. Yeah, he's her favorite. I was hard headed and even though we love Jooheon to death, she stresses over him often. Hyungwon never gave her worries. You broke her favorite son. Your best friend. You loved him? Comical. How do you not feel bad? I still feel bad every single day. You haven't felt bad once. And every time I look at you I wanna slit your fucking throat. But that would be doing your bitch ass a fucking favor." I tapped Minhyuk's hand to calm him down.

Jaesung came downstairs, smiling to lighten the mood with a smile. "Happy birthday, son." I knew what was about to happen. "God, I remember the day you were born... your mom was on my ass all da-"

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