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I regretted what I'd done with Changkyun. I missed him so much, and I felt like I was going to lose him again. Even though he was right there. And how I reacted to Hyungwon was vile. I was so fucked up and I blamed it all on myself. I wanted to blame my mother, Abraham, every man that ever hurt me. But it was all me.

Hyungwon snapped me out of my thoughts. "Luna's barking," he said, rushing upstairs. I followed him, prepared with a can of soda. "Jooheon?" He asked, coming into his room.

Jooheon was taking quick, short breaths before jumping up, trying to breathe. "I-I... Ow..." he whined, "My head."

"Hand me his insulin, Kihyun. He doesn't need more sugar." I nodded, putting the drink down, searching his bag. "Relax, Joo. You can't breathe already, but you're gonna make yourself freak. Don't freak okay? I got you." He nodded, trying to take as deep of breaths that he could. I gave Hyungwon his insulin and syringe. "Alright, Jooheon. Little pinch." Hyungwon lifted Jooheon's shirt, pinching his stomach softly so he could give him his shot. "Pinch, and count." He looked up at Jooheon, keeping him calm.

"One, one thousand. Two, one thousand. Three, one thousand. Four, one thousand. Five, one thousand." Jooheon took a deep breath in relief as Hyungwon took the syringe out, throwing it away. Luna curled up next to Jooheon, helping him keep calm. "Hey, good girl," he smiled softly.

I grabbed a small bag of treats, giving her one to help train her to remember to stay by Jooheon's side. "What was that?" I asked.

"Hyperglycemia," Hyungwon sighed.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I generally get hypoglycemic attacks, which is low blood sugar." Jooheon laid back down in bed. "But since I had it low in the store and had that injection and then came home to sleep, I had too high of blood sugar." I nodded, keeping up with it.

Hyungwon's phone rang and he rolled his eyes. "What?" He asked, putting things back in Jooheon's bag. "No... She was doing so well. Minhyuk, you're lying to me this time aren't you? Y-You've got to be lying to me." I glanced at Jooheon, seeing if he was as worried as I was. Luna crawled onto his lap to protect him, because he was indeed as worried as I was. "What the fuck, why is it happening?" Hyungwon froze up a bit. The next thing I knew, tears were pouring from his eyes. "Oh fuck... We're on the way." As he hung up, he looked up at me. "Do you have your license?" Hyungwon asked. I shook my head as he grabbed Jooheon's things, getting him up. "You do tonight. Or else we wouldn't make it to the hospital in the way we should. Kyungwon's losing it. She keeps coding and they can't keep her stable enough."

I took his keys from him. "Let's go," I mumbled, taking his hand. Jooheon and Luna led us out to the car first.

I felt his hand shaking as we walked out. Dare I say it, he was scared. Terrified of what was going to happen. I took the quickest way to the hospital, trying to avoid police as well. When we got to the hospital, Hyungwon and Jooheon quickly got out. I followed quickly after, trying to keep up with them. "Lee Kyungwon?" Hyungwon asked, breathlessly approached the secretary.

"Uhm..." He said, looking through his records. "I don't see a Lee Kyun-"

He was cut off by Minhyuk grabbing our attention. "Hyungwon..." He said softly.

My chest tightened ever so slightly. I was hoping he was gonna deliver the bad news with just a little bit of sugar with it. "No," Hyungwon whimpered. "No... She's not dead. Please."

Minhyuk took his hand. "Not yet. But she's losing her will to live. Fast. She's been passing out and coding painfully for hours now. She's been crying, begging the doctors to let her go." My heart broke to see Hyungwon fall to his knees, crying. "Oh God," Minhyuk held onto him so he didn't hurt himself. Simultaneously, Minhyuk shot me a dirty glance as he looked at Luna and Jooheon. That's seriously what he was he was concerned about? I just rolled my eyes.

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