Chapter XXXIV: Guidance of the Stars

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Sheesh I am really in trouble with my Internet connection. By the way everyone! Here's the new chapter wherein the second debut of Aurelie and Melanie's debut will happen! I hope all of you will enjoy this chapter. With all the announcements made, this chapter belongs and is dedicated especially to our new character - Melanie. Silverstars97, this is your time to shine! ^_^




Lucy and Arthur's past was revealed and both of them were trapped inside the vortex with no signs of a way out. Lucy felt a very warm feeling at her chest, what does this have to do with their situation? Will it be a way to break the spell? Or will it be worse than that?


Chapter XXXIV: Guidance of the Stars

“Melanie, I’ve brought them”, Aurelie announced.

“Alright everyone, gather around”, Melanie – the Spirit Gate Keeper – gestured her hands, telling to all of Lucy’s Spirits to gather around her. “Listen up, the Spirit King will aid your feelings to Lucy-sama so if you wanted to help her, concentrate. I will create a special path….”

“You mean a gate Melanie”, Aurelie cut her off.

“Yeah a gate, this will also connect the feelings from the Human World which shares the same sentiments as all of you for Lucy-sama”, Melanie looked at Aurelie who was just smiling while holding a big book. “I’ll need you to help me steady their energy Aurelie, you might as well drop that book for a while”, Melanie winked at her.

“Oh……right”, Aurelie hid her book using magic and stood outside the circle Leo and the others are making. Melanie stood at the center.

“Has everyone been gathered?”, the Spirit King asked. All the spirits that gathered near Melanie and Aurelie kneeled in acknowledgement for their King.

“Yes Spirit King. We’re ready to open the gate as well”, Melanie confirmed.

“Alright. Listen my brethren. We are all in the same sentiments here so when the gate opened, you have to concentrate your feelings and send it. Going out through that special gate is forbidden”, the Spirit King ordered.

“We shall heed your words Spirit King. We thank you for your help”, Loki said as the spokesperson of the group.

“May the stars guide our actions”, the Spirit King’s body glowed and looked down to Aurelie and Melanie. Both Celestial spirits nodded in response. “I now give permission. Hear my words as the ruler of the stars. I open the gate that connects the living and the spirit world”

“Now Melanie”, Aurelie guided.

“Oh constellations of the stars that hold thou Spirits, Stars that guides those of the living, heed thy words and grant thy will for which purpose I open a gate to connect the Spirits and the Human World. Deliver what was meant for and create a path with a blinding light!”, Melanie chanted, a large magic circle appeared above her and created a circle. “Aurelie, can you summon the Great Celestial Gate Key?”, Melanie asked.

“The big one? The one that you passed down to me for safety purposes?”, Aurelie asked, struggling to keep the gathered energy above them.

“Yeah, that one, can you lend it to me for a while?”, Melanie asked doing the same thing as Aurelie.

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