Chapter 29- Dream State

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Update on Thomas- The person that hit him turned themself in after the cops found the car. But the person hasn't opened up much- so they don't know if the person was actually the driver. Once they get more information- they will charge the driver with vehicular homicide. Anyway- let's get back to the story. I thought taking a break would be good, but writing probably is a good distraction. I also wrote this really quickly- and sorry if it's short.

"Jess.." A voice said slowly. Jess opened her eyes in her dream state. She was sitting on a couch with Billy Hargrove in front of her.

"Billy!" Jess shouted, and stood up. She went over and hugged him.

"Hey!" He smiled as she pulled away. He put a tooth pic in his mouth. "How have you been?"

"I've been.. well, sad." Jess went on and explained everything.

"Oh shit." Billy responded. "That's crazy." He took a bite of a burger.

"Yeah. How are you doing?" Jess looked at him.

"Barely surviving. The only way I get food is doing this."


"Here. I'll teach you a few things, to beat up Bobby." Jess and Billy stood up.

A few hours later- Jess had gotten a few punches down. "Listen, I have to go. Stay safe okay? Beat the shit out of Bobby." Billy smiled and stood up. Jess did as well. They went into a hug. "Tell Max I'm still here."

"I will when I see her." Billy nodded, as he squeezed Jessica's arm, sending her out of the dream state.

She woke up in a sweat. Will was up at his desk drawing something. His lamp was lit. His desk sat under the window. Jess looked over at him and sat up. The time was 2 am. "Will." Jessica yawned.

"Oh- sorry did I wake you?" He asked, turning around in his chair.

"No. I just saw Billy. He taught me how to punch."

"Oh. Okay." Will turned back to his drawing. "Go back to sleep, hon."

"But your up?"

"I'm always up. It's alright. Go back to sleep." Will turned to her.

"Come give me a kiss first." Jess laid back down. Will chuckled and stood up. He walked over to her and planted a kiss on her lips. "I love you." Jess said.

"I love you, too." He smiled and went back over to his desk. Jessica turned her body to face the opposite side. She closed her eyes and listened to the light rain from outside.

Will stayed up drawing a picture. He has been feeling very depressed lately. He feels like he's never going to be happy. He has Jess which makes it a little better. He loves Jess, but it's hard because he lives so far. Will had so much going though his head and had to draw.

Meanwhile at Bobby's house, that night he was smoking cigarettes with his friends Stan and Lewis

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Meanwhile at Bobby's house, that night he was smoking cigarettes with his friends Stan and Lewis. "What are you going to do? You can't hit a girl!" Stan said.

"Stan- you don't know what your saying. I'm going to fight her." Bobby said with worry in his voice.

"Dude, you sound freaked out. Are you okay?" Lewis asked.

"I'm fine- yeah." He shook out his arms. "I'm fine."

"No you aren't." Lewis said.

"I- I have to get going." Stan said. He through the cigarette on the grass and stepped on it. He waved at the boys and left.

"I know what your like when your not fine. And this is it." Lewis explained.

"I don't wanna go to jail." Bobby looked at Lewis.

"Just fight her. You know my families rich. If you end up having too, we will get you out. I promise." Lewis smiled at his friend. Who he had a small crush on.

"No, I don't need you to do that."

"But I want to." Lewis and Bobby got close.

"What's happening?" Bobby asked, as he placed his hand in Lewis' waist.

"I don't kn-" Bobby had moved toward, placing his lips on Lewis. Lewis was in shock, but moved his hand to Bobby's face.

This quickly stopped when Bobby saw his dads car pull up. Bobby pulled away from Lewis and told him to leave.

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