Chapter 15- Bradley's Big Buy

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Nancy ended up driving to Bradley's Big Buy, the farthest store from the monster. Jessica continued to cry in Wills arms. Max and Will helped Jess get out of the car, as Nancy threw a rock through the glass door. The glass shattered. They all walked in, and went straight to the medical aisle. Nancy grabbed a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and a pack of gauze pads. "Okay, get her down." She said. Will and Max carefully sat Jess down on the ground. "Okay.. let me see." Nancy kneeled down and looked at Jessica's leg. It was all bloody with two large gashes.

"Oh, shit." Max said. Jessica groaned in pain, squeezing Wills hand. Nancy took one of the pads out of the box. She was about to put it on, then Max stopped her. "What- What- Hey, What are you doing?"

"I'm cleaning the wound." Nancy replied.

"No, first, we need to stop the bleeding, then clean, then disinfect, then bandage." Nancy looked at Max shocked, and Jonathan looked confused. "I skateboard. Trust me." Max put a cloth on the gash. "Will, hold this." She pushed it down, and Will put his hand on it, pushing it down to stop the blood. Jessica let out a soft scream. "Keep the pressure on it, nice and firm, okay?" Will nodded. "We're gonna need water, soap.

"Yeah, okay." Jonathan said, as him and Nancy stood.

"Alright." Nancy said. They walked out of the aisle.

Lucas opened his back pack and dumped it out. Max turned around. "Does any of this help?" He asked.

Max shook her head. "No. Go get me a washcloth and a bowl."

"A bowl?" He looked at her confused.

"Lucas." She said aggressively.

"Go." Mike said.

"O-okay." Lucas stammered, and followed Mike out of the aisle. El stayed with Max, Will and Jess.

"I'm gonna go check on Lucas." Max stood up, and El followed her.

Once they left the aisle, Will moved himself in front of Jess, still holding the cloth. "Does that hurt?" He asked.

"Yeah.. a lot." She whined.

"You're gonna have an awesome scar." Will looked at her.

"I already have one on my arm, and jaw so. More scars the better right?" She said laughing a bit.

"You'll look even more badass." Will smiled.

"Bitchin' as El would say."

Will started to laugh. "Yeah, bitchin." Jess looked down at her left arm. There was a scar that she was born with. It said '07'. Will looked at it. "What's that?" He asked.

"I was born with it." She said, just as distorted audio came through Lucas's walkie. They ignored it.

"Oh.. it's a number though."

"I know. It's a weird birthmark I have." They were silent for a moment, then heard static from the walkie, and Dustin's voice. They both looked at it.

"I repeat... this is a code red!" Dustin said, trying to get them to hear him. Will ran over to it, and pulled out the antenna, and went back over to Jess. He handed it to her.

"Dustin?!" Jess said.

"Jess?" Dustin said, it was distorted, but she could hear him.

"Dustin!" Jess said happily.

"Jess!" Dustin replied. "Oh, my god, you have to listen. I know I've been MIA, and I'm sorry, it's not because I'm mad, I mean, I was but it's also because I was trap- und- gro- in a Rus- an b-"

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