Chapter 21- Planck's Constant

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Jonathan slowly looked up from behind the car. He saw the monster standing at The Gap.

The tentacle kept moving through the store. The four teens had moved from their spot. The tentacle came around the corner, and continued going through the store. The teens continued to breath heavily.

The creature snarled. "Oh, shit." Jonathan said, sitting back down quickly. Lucas looked around the car, and then remembered. His wrist rocket. He reached into his pocket. "What are you doing?" Nancy whisper yelled.

"Don't worry." Lucas said.

The claw hissed and screeched as it searched. Jess looked at Mike, and saw the claw, it quickly shot back. Lucas had fired a rock into the glass of Sam Goody. The four teens from behind the car, got up and ran. The four teens in The Gap ran to the exit. Nancy, Jonathan, Will, and Lucas, ran through the delivery halls, and up the stairs. Max, Mike, Jess, and El ran through the back halls of The Gap. Jess had turned the walkie back on to keep in touch. They kept running as they heard voices. "Murray?" It was Hopper. "Your goddamn code.. is wrong!"

"What? Are you sure?" Murray replied.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Hopper said.

"Well, I- I suppose it could be wrong."

"How could it be wrong?!"

"The code is a number, a famous number. Plancks constant I- I thought I knew it." Murray and Hopper continued to argue.

Jess fell. "Shit!" She screamed.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked.

"Just get us out of here!" Mike nodded and they all helped her up.  They all started walking, as they heard static from the walkie.

Nancy, Jonathan, Will and Lucas ran to the car. The boys got in, as Nancy and Jonathan put the distributor in the car. Billy's car started to rev. "Shit." Jonathan said.

"Get the car started." Nancy said. "Go." Jonathan nodded, and closed the hood. Nancy drew her gun, and Jonathan got in the car. The engine sputtered. "Where's Jess?!" Will shouted from the back seat.

"Will, we cant worry about her right now." Lucas responded. "Our lives matter most." Lucas looked at him, and Will looked at Lucas in anger.

"You're so selfish." Will said, crossing his arms and looking forward.

"Will, Lucas, can you guys not argue, right now?" Jonathan said, looking back at the both of them.

"Sorry." Will said.

Nancy stood outside the car, gun drawn on Billy. "No, no, no, no." Jonathan repeated. The car didn't start. Billy's car started driving towards them. Fast. "Come on!" Will yelled.

"We gotta go!" Lucas shouted. Nancy fired a bullet. And another. It hit the windshield, but it didn't hit, or phase Billy at all. The car started getting closer, and Nancy ran out of bullets. "We gotta go!" Lucas yelled, as Jonathan screamed for Nancy. Billy was around 4 feet away from Nancy, as she ducked. A car slammed into Billy's, knocking it to the side. The front of the Todd Father was all banged up. Steve sat there panting. Billy's car shot up in flames. "Are you okay?" Steve asked Robin.

"Ask me tomorrow?" She responded. Steve nodded, and looked up. The monster was once again on the roof. Robin gasped and stood up, Steve also stood. "Oh shit." Robin said.

Jonathan had started the car and drove next to the Todd Father. "Get in!" Nancy shouted. Steve and Robin got out of the car, and got in the other. Jonathan sped off quickly, trying to outrun the monster.

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