Chapter 22- Battle of Starcourt

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Billy climbed out of his damaged car. He groaned as he got up. His face was all bloody, and he limped to walk. He heard a buzzing sound, and looked over at the gate. Max, El, Jess, and Mike walked through. Jess had her arms around Mike and El. Max saw Billy first, then the others realized. Their faces went to pure fear, "Shit!" Max said.

"Go, Go, go, go, go, go, go!" Mike repeatedly said, as they ran back through the gate. Billy heard them, and started walking towards it. Max broke off from the others, and pushed the button. The gate started closing as they all ran.

The physical form of the Mind Flayer continued to follow the Mercury Colony Park. Jonathan drove as fast as he could. The monster turned around, and started walking the other way, back to the mall. "It's turning around.." Steve said, fear in his voice.

"What?!" Nancy shouted.

"It's turning around!" Steve shouted.

"Maybe we wore it out." Lucas suggested.

"I don't think so. Hold on." Jonathan made a sharp u-turn, and drove back to the mall.

Billy got to the gate before it closed. He put his hand between the two sides, and opened it. The four teenagers running away, began to pant heavily. They ran down the hall, and Jess started to groan in pain. "I.. need to rest." She said.

"Okay.. um." Mike said, looking for a room for Jess to sit down. "In here. In here." He said. El started clicking the button for the door to open. Max stepped out into the hall, Billy came through the door that was down the hall. "Billy." She said. Jess looked at Max.

"Don't.." Jess said. Max looked at her, then back at Billy.

"Billy, you don't have to do this." He walked closer. "Billy. Your name's Billy, Billy Hargrove. You live on 4819 Cherry Lane. Billy, please, I'm Max, I'm your-" Max got cut off by a hand that slapped her across the face. Sending her to the ground. Mike grunted, and sent himself towards Billy, and Jess fell into Elevens arms. Billy grabbed Mike by the shirt, and sent him into the wall. Mike hit the pipes and hit the ground. Billy turned towards the girls. Jessica's eyes filled with tears. "Mike!" She screamed. El screamed, trying to get her powers to trigger, but Billy grabbed her arm, and pushed her head into the door, the flung her across the room. Her limp body landed on the ground.

Billy looked at Jess. "Please, Billy.." Jessica begged. He kicked her leg, she fell, and passed out. Billy picked up her body, and flung her over his shoulder. He walked down the hallway, emotionless.

Billy walked out of the back door of Scoops Ahoy. He grabbed the gate, and lifted it. Opening it, and walking through. All the signs, and lights flashed. He carefully set Jessica's limp body on the ground. He kneeled down next to her. He leaned over her, and whispered in her ear. "Don't be afraid. It'll all be over soon." Jess slowly opened her eyes. "Just try and stay... very still." He looked to the middle of the mall, then stood up. The monster was on the roof. Jessica's body filled with fear, as monster came back down to the center, and roared. Jess began to pant as her vision became clear. She began to gasp for air as the monster got closer. It hissed, and Jess moved back. The tentacle started coming towards her, then it screeched. A firework went off next to it. Jessica heard Lucas shout. "Flay this, you ugly piece of shit!" Lucas threw another firework, into its mouth. It exploded, and the creature screamed.

They kept firing fireworks at the creature. "Hey, asshole! Over here!" Steve yelled, and threw a firework. Billy began to grunt in pain. The fireworks hurt. Jess backed up, as Billy fell onto his knees. The fireworks whistled, as Billy screamed in pain. Jess got up, and started to crawl away. Billy grabbed her ankle, and dragged her back. Jessica screamed, trying to pull away from his grasp. It was no use. Billy flipped her around, and pinned her down. She tried to get up, but Billy put all his weight into her arms.

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