Chapter 16- Russians

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Dustin, Erica, Robin, and Steve:
Dustin returned back to the theater after his walkie died. The theater was playing Back to the Future. He sat down. "Do you have any batteries? Double- A?" Dustin looked at Erica desperately.

"Why would I have batteries?" She asked.

"I always carry batteries."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I need eight."


"Shit. Guess we'll have to go to plan B."

"Plan B?" Erica looked confused. "What's plan B?" Dustin looked at her, and noticed two people missing from the theater. Erica looked over at the two empty seats.

"Where.. are they?" He asked. Erica turned her head slowly.

"I-" she started. Dustin grabbed her arm, and dragged her out of the theater. "Ow!" She said, pulling her arm away from him.

"Sorry. But two drugged people are on the lose, who also are being tracked by Russians. So, we need to find them." Erica nodded.

Dustin and Erica went through everything. Behind the snack bar, every theater, then finally, the bathroom. Dustin opened the door to find the two on the floor of a stall, laughing. "Okay." Dustin said angrily. Steve and Robin looked at him. "What the hell?" Robin looked at Steve, and started to laugh once again. "Guys!" Dustin yelled. Steve and Robin snapped out of it.

"What?" Steve said.

"Get up. We need to blend in." Dustin said. Steve nodded, and stood up. He took Robins hands, and pulled her up. They heard a crowd outside the door. "Follow me." Everyone nodded. Dustin opened the door slowly and peaked out. The other three looked out from behind him. "And...blend." Dustin walked out the door, as everyone followed him. They blended into the crowd.

"Well, shit, that worked." Erica said looking at Dustin.

"Course it worked." Dustin smiled. "Now we just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come."

A guilty look came across Steve's face. "Uh, Dustin?"

"What?" Dustin looked at him.

"Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house." Steve said.


"Well, I might have told them your full name."

Dustin took a double take at Steve. "What is wrong with you?"

"Dude, I was drugged." Steve said defending himself.

"So?" Dustin said annoyed.


"So, you resist. You tough it out. You tough it out like a man." Dustin said.

"Oh, yeah, it's easy for you to say."

They continued walking, but no one noticed the Russians at the exit, except Robin. "Guys?" Robin said. They all stopped walking when Dustin noticed them. Fear came over Dustin's face.

"Abort." He said. They all just stood there, but then the Russian turned his head and saw them. "Abort." Dustin turned around. "Abort!" They all started to run the opposite direction of the Russian. They all began to pant as they ran. They ran over to escalators that were blocked off.

"Shit." Steve said.

"Okay." Robin said, as she sat down in between the two sides.

"Come on, let's go, let's go." Steve said, as Robin slid down, with the three of them behind her. The four of them hid behind the counter of Great Cookie. The other plebes, as Dustin would say, had filed out. The only people left in Startcourt were the Russians, and the four teenagers, even though Erica is 10.

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