Chapter 3- Damn it, Mike

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A few days later, Jess woke up one afternoon, after staying up all night, thinking about one person. Will Byers. Mike was sitting in her reading chair, in the corner. "What are you doing?" She asked him.

"Waiting for you to wake your ass up." He said, looking at a comic book. His legs were crossed, and closed the comic dramatically.

"What are you doing?" She giggled.

"I know you were up all night. Thinking about-"

"I know! I know." She said putting her hands on her head. "I, nor Will, is ready for a relationship. We are still 10 years old at heart Mike. You are getting strong feelings for El, because you are a little older than me, and you're a guy."

"That is true, but I can tell you like him. Whenever we mention him, your face goes red."

"I know that, Mike. What time is it?" She asked.

"It's around 2."

"2?! SHIT!" She got off her bed quickly, and walked into her closet, not having time to close the door.

"What?" Mike questioned.

She took off her pjs, and grabbed some underwear, jean shorts, black bra, and a colorful striped button down shirt. "I was supposed to pick up Max to go to the mall an hour ago!!" She pulled on her shorts, and put her shirt on, buttoning the shirt wrong, but not realizing. She ran out of the closet. "I'm surprised you aren't at Els." She opened her door, and Mike grabbed her arm. "What?" She turned around.

"You shirt isn't buttoned correctly." He started to unbutton it, and started fixing it.

"Oh. Thanks." Jess said.

"I'm not not at Els, because Hopper is taking Eleven to the store, to get some food, and more Eggos for Eggo-extravaganzas."

"Oh. Okay." Mike finished fixing the shirt, and gave her, her wallet. "Why did you have this?"

"I miiight have used a little bit of money...?" He looked at her.

"For what?" She asked.

"For a chocolate bar. That's all."

"Okay. I'll see you later!" She walked out of her room, and ran downstairs, making two eggos, and called Max. "Max. Pick up!!" She said to herself.

"Hello?" Said a mans voice, Billy.

"Billy?" She said.

"What?" He said. "Who are you?"

"I'm Jessica, is Max home?"

"Yeah. You one of her friends?"


"Alright... MAX! JESSICA'S ON THE PHONE!" He screamed, scaring the shit out of Jess.

"Hello?" Max said. Billy hung up.

"Hey. Max. I am so sorry!"

"Jess. You told me you would be up."

"I know." The eggos popped out of the toaster. She grabbed them. "Gah!" Jess screamed. "I'm leaving my house now! I'll see you."

"Alright." Max said, hanging up the phone. Jess ran out of her house, with one hot eggo in her hand, and one in her mouth.

Ten minutes later, Jess dropped her bike on Max's yard, she ran to the door, and knocked on it. There was loud music, so she banged on the door. "MAX GET THE DOOR!" Billy yelled.

"I'm going! I'll see you later." Max walked out the door. "Hey." She said.

"Hey. You ready?" Jess asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." The two girls got on their bikes, and rode down to the mall.

When the girls got there, they went straight to Hot Dog on a Stick. Both of them ordered a corn dog, with fries, and a original coke. They sat down at a table. "So." Max said. "Do you like Will?" She smirked and looked at Jess.

"Who told you?" Jess looked at her annoyed.

"Mike told Lucas, and he told me."

"God damn it Mike!" She took a bite of her corn dog, "I told him not to mention it to anyone, 'cause then it will get to Will." She took a sip of her coke. "Neither him, or I, are ready to date anyone. I don't even know if he likes me."

"Well, it's pretty obvious. Every time we talk about him-"

"I blush. I know. Mike told me when I woke up. He was sitting in my room, waiting for me to wake up."

"What the hell? That's creepy."

"I know. But he's done it many times before."

"It's still weird."

"I know."

Jess and Max finished their lunch, and headed to the gap, and some other stores, before it got to late. When Jess got home, it was around 10pm. "Where have you been all day?" Karen asked.

"I was out with Max." She said as she started walking up the stairs.

"Are you hungry?"

"No. Thank you though!" Karen smiled, as Jess continued her way up the stairs.

Jess started putting her new clothes in her closet, and her new makeup on her dresser. The phone rang and she answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey. It's Will. Are you available to talk?" Jess sat on the floor.

"Yeah. What is it?" She asked.

"I've been hearing, that you.. um. Like me?"

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!! SHIT!!!! Jess screamed in her head. "Wh- heh- whose been saying that?"

"Mike. He came and saw me today which was odd. He also asked me a few days ago, how I felt about you."

"Damn it, Mike!!" She screamed. "Um. I'm sorry. That was loud. I- I dont-"

"It's okay if you do. I mean, it wouldn't change anything between us. Right? I love you as a friend, and if I were to like you back, I wouldn't know how to- I'm not ready for a relationship."

"Yeah. That's what I've been telling Mike. I like you, but we are ten years old at heart, and neither of us are ready for that commitment. Yes, I dated Mike in 4th grade, but we were actually 10. It didn't mean anything."

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Good night Will."

"Night, Jess." He hung up. Jessica's heart fluttered. She really liked him, but didn't know what to do.

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