Chapter 25- Run

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Jess checked her clock. It was 3:30 am. "I have to go." Jessica said to herself. She got up from her bed, and dumped out her back pack. "I need to make sure Will is okay."

She took one of her notebooks, and wrote a note.

"Family and Friends, (Mike take this to school)
I had a horrible dream about Will, and I couldn't deal with it. I'm sorry, but I'm heading to Illinois. I will call as soon as I get there. I took some food, and money. I'll be okay. Nancy, I took your pocket knife, I'll give it back. Mike, I also took your Walkman. Sorry! But I'll be fine, don't call the cops on me please. I don't know when I'll be back, or when I get there. I love you guys.

Jess ripped the page out, and put it on her door. She quietly went into Nancy's room, and grabbed the pocket knife from her closet, along with a map. She went back into her room, and filled her back pack up with clothes. She put on a blue sweater, with black jeans, and her red converse. She packed a few pairs of socks, grabbed her wallet, and the tape Will gave her. She quietly went downstairs, and grabbed some snacks. She shoved them in her back pack. She went into the basement, and grabbed Mikes Walkman. She went back upstairs and unlocked the front door. Once she walked out, she locked it with her mind. She got on her bike, and rode off into the street.

Many hours later, she had reached Indianapolis. She stopped at a gas station, and went to the bathroom. She went inside, and got a bottle of water. She was tired, but she had to make it to Illinois. She walked her bike over to the payphone, and put in 50 cents. She dialed the Wheelers number. "Wheelers." Karen said.

"Karen!" Jess said relieved.

"Jess? What are you thinking!?" Karen shouted.

"I'm sorry. But I needed to. Will isn't okay, I felt it." Jess replied.

Karen sighed. "At least you called. Where are you right now? You couldn't have made it to Illinois already."

"I'm at a gas station in Indianapolis. I'll call you once I get to Wills. Don't worry about me."

"Okay. Stay safe."


Karen hung up the phone and looked at Ted. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah.. she's fine. But she wouldn't be out there alone." Karen's eyes started to water.

"Karen." Ted walked up to his wife and hugged her.

A few hours later, Jess made it to Crawfordsville. She was about to pass out, then she spotted a sketchy hotel on the side of the road. She walked into the office, with her bike, and rang the bell. A man came up from behind the desk. "Hello." He said.

"Hi. Can I get a room for the night?" Jess asked, taking out her wallet.

"Are you alone?" He asked.

"Yes." Jess replied.

"A room will be.. $45."

"45? Man. I only have 20, and I need it for food and stuff. I guess I'll just sleep on a bench in the park." Jess grabbed her bike, and made her way to the door. The guy grabbed her wrist, and stopped her. "Wait." He said.

Jess turned around, and looked at the man. Fear in her eyes. "I'm James. Please, I wouldn't like a girl like you sleeping outside. I'll give you a free room."

"I- thank you." Jess said. James let go of her hand, and gave her a key. Room 7. Jess smiled, and walked out of the office and into her room. She closed the door, and put her bike up against the wall. She took her sweat pants out from her back pack and put them on.

She went into the bathroom, and brushed her teeth. She went over to the bed, and laid down. She passed out.

Jessica woke up to someone on top of her. She opened her eyes, James. "Wha-" She began, but James finger came up to her lips.

"Shh.." He said, and smiled. Jess lifted her leg and struck James in the balls. "FUCK!" He screamed, and put his hands on his dick. Jess got up, as he fell to the ground. She ran over to her backpack, and grabbed the pocket knife. She opened it, and held it to his throat.

"What were you gonna do to me?" Jess asked.

"N-nothing." James said, as he began to sweat. "I swear."

"Really, 'cause you fucking pants are unzipped. You were gonna rape me, weren't you?" Jessica's face became angry.

"Y-Yeah. You caught me. I'm sorry." James voice was shaky.

"James, how old are you?" Jess still had the knife to his throat.

"Eighteen. I'm sorry, I didn't think."

"Still, doesn't let you pass, on almost raping a 14 year old girl. I will let you go."

"Th-Thank you."

"With a cut."

"Wha-" Jess didn't let him finish. She ran the knife on his jawline, giving him a cut.

"Now go." James scrambled to his feet, and left the room quickly. Went to the bathroom and cleaned off the knife. She closed it, and went back over to the bed. She put the knife in her pocket, and fell back to

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