Chapter 7- Castle Byers

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Later that night, Will and Jess were passed out in her room. Mike and Lucas were downstairs, complaining about the girls. Mike was laying on the couch, eating chips. "What's wrong with me? What did I do wrong?" He said.

"Nothing." Lucas replied.

"What did I do wrong? What could I have done wrong?"

"Do I have to go through this again?"

Mike took a handful of chips, and shoved it in his mouth. "I just don't understand what I did to deserve this."

"Nothing. Nothing. That's my whole point. You're the victim here."

"I know. It's just, why is she treating me this way? I dont know-"


"What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong?!" He kept repeating himself.

"Mike, stop. Relax. Just relax." Lucas crossed Mikes legs. "Okay? Stop asking rational questions."

"I know, I know, you're right, you're right."


"Because women act on emotion not logic."

"Precisely. It's a totally different species." Lucas sat down on the end of the couch. Mike belched, and the two boys laughed.

"Dude, you can smell the nacho cheese." He said.

"I got that beat." Lucas said, smiling devilishly.

"What?" It took him a second. "No, Lucas, no." Lucas started to fart. "LUCAS!" Mike screamed, laughing. "Lucas!"

The next morning, Will and Jess quietly walked down into the basement. They put on their D&D costumes and started to play some loud medieval music on the radio. Mike and Lucas woke up in shock. "Yes!" Lucas said, then groaned. He looked over at them. Mike covered his ears. "What are you doing?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah, guys, can you turn down the music?" Mike said.

"Please address me by my full name." Will said.

"What?" Mike asked. Lucas still looked half asleep.

He slammed his stick on the ground "My full name!" Will repeated.

"Oh, my god. Okay, Will the Wise." Mike said, rubbing his eyes. "Can you please turn down the music?"

"That's not music." Jess said. "That.. is the sound of destiny! I have seen into the future, and I've seen that today is a new day..." Jess looked at Will.

"A day... free of girls!" Will said.

"What is happening right now? Aren't you guys dating?"

"I don't count, Lucas." Jess looked at him.

"Will, come on." Mike moaned. Jess got closer to the table.

"A tribe of villagers are under threat from an evil force from the swamps of Kuzatan."

"Guys, it's so early." Mike said. Jess looked at him annoyed.

"Is it? Is it early, Michael?" She said.

"Tell that to the villagers crying for your help, the children so frightened, they cannot sleep." Will said.

"Are you truly going to let them perish? Or are you going to come to their rescue and become the heroes you were always meant to be?"

Lucas looked at her confused. "Uh.. can I at least take a shower first?" Jess nodded and let him go.

It started to storm in the town of Hawkins. The rain pounded on the roof, while Jess and Will were having fun, with Lucas and Mike being bored. "Do you guys hear that?" Will asked. "It sounds like.."

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