Chapter Thirty Five

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- Yaoyorozu -

Endeavor's fight with Highend was certainly a turning point for the Todoroki family. With Rei moving back in, Endeavor's injury, along with Shoto and Natsuo's refusal to accept their father's change certainly posed some challenges.

But, Shoto and Natsuo eventually did agree to try and work with their father despite their reluctance to do so. Shoto had been getting more passes to go see his family during this trying time. Of course, this means that we haven't been able to spend a lot of time together.

With Endeavor's injury healing well, Shoto doesn't need to be at home as much. So Shoto decided it was time for us to spend some quality time together. We were hanging out in my dorm room doing homework while cuddling. The room was in a nice silence. Nothing was forced or awkward, we were just enjoying each other's company in peace. It was nice just to be next to him while we did our work.

I know I enjoyed the silence in order to think about the most recent events: Eri moving in to UA, Shoto and his family, and class work have really got my mind working.

Eri is such a sweetheart, but having her around is definitely quite a change. I know we had the fake baby project, but those babies really couldn't understand and react to things like Eri could. We all had to watch what words and tones we used when talking. Bakugo, of course, was struggling the most with it.

Endeavor, keeping up with his promise to improve his demeanor and relationships with his family suggested that my parents come over to the Todoroki household to have a big dinner with both families.

Shoto and I were unsure about it at first. Between Endeavor's injury and Rei just barely being moved in, it seemed like too much stress to put on Shoto's family. Fuyumi and Rei both insisted that it wouldn't be a problem. They told us that Endeavor was healing well and was making some solid progress with the members of the family that lived at home.

After some debate, Shoto and I agreed that it would be a good idea for our immediate family members to meet. We went to get it approved by the school, who only agreed to let the two of us go because of Endeavor's presence. It wouldn't be long now before the dinner. It was only about a week away now.

The holidays are fast approaching too. Christmas is going to be here before we know it. I need to pick out something for Shoto. It is our first Christmas together. This needs to be perfect.

"You're thinking about something intently."

"Oh!" My eyes widened and I looked at Shoto, "Yes! I guess I was... How did you know?"

"Your eyebrows furrow and you look very determined whenever you think. Like you're trying to find a solution to life's problems."

"Really? I had no idea..." I smiled softly. I know he and I have been dating for a couple months now, but I'm still adjusting to just how much he paid attention to me. I'm finding out more about myself every day. Before Shoto, I had no idea that I stick my tongue out when I concentrate, or that I click my pen while I wait for an answer to my question. I would have never known the look I make when I know the answer, right before I raise my hand. Shoto isn't always the most verbally or physically affectionate, but I never doubt that he cares about me.

"Are you done with your homework now?" Shoto asked.

"Yes, I am!" I beamed closing my binder.

"Good. I am too. What were you thinking about?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just the dinner." I halfway lied. I couldn't let him know that I was going to get him something special for Christmas, that would ruin the surprise.

"I've been thinking about it too." He admitted, "Do you think our families are going to get along?"

"Well, I hope so... I don't think there's any reason they shouldn't."

"Well, my parents had four children, yours had one. My dad's a pro hero and my mom's been in the hospital for years. Yours run a company. I don't know if they have anything in common. I'm not sure how this is going to go."

"It'll be alright Shoto. I know it doesn't seem like they have a lot in common, but our parents both have children who want to be pro heroes. They both want the best for us and are trying to make sure we're happy. That's something."

"What if dad snaps though. I don't want you or your parents to get hurt."

"I don't think he will. It's their first time meeting and he's trying to be better for everyone else in attendance. I don't think he'd risk that."

"I hope you're right."

"Me too..." I agreed, "Let's talk about something else. How about the holidays?"

"Oh yeah. I guess they are getting close, huh?"

"Do you want to do something before then to exchange gifts?" I wondered

"Sure. I can plan something for that."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I pried playfully, nudging his shoulder.

"None of your business. You'll know when you get there." He bopped my nose.

"Alright, if you say so." I smiled. I knew Shoto would plan something great for us. He knows me better than anyone, so I know it'll be good.

"Come here." He gestured for me to more closer. He put his hand on my check and pulled me in for a kiss. I happily accepted.

"What was that for?" I asked him

"Because I love you, Momo."

"I love you too, Shoto." I kissed him again. I really had missed him. Even though he wasn't at his house during the weekdays, he was often preoccupied with homework and updates from his family. We mostly hung out in the common area or in class. We agreed not to display too much affection in public though.

"It's almost curfew." I said, breaking the kiss.

"I know. Let's use our time wisely." He kissed me again. I kissed back, smiling. Shoto and I finally broke apart shortly before curfew. We said our goodnights and he went back to his dorm. I really need to pick out the perfect gift for him. He deserves it.

A/N: hello everyone! So this took longer than intended. I wanted to post this on Monday, but it just didn't work out. Here we go though! I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!!

Also, there's probably only a few chapters left in this book, but don't worry! After this one, I'll spend a little bit of time working on some other projects, then a sequel to this will be released! Exciting!! But I have 3 works in progress that I need to devote some time to.

I have a story coming out based on a Sims family my friends and I made. It's designed to be a really extra fanfiction. It's so dramatic that it's just hilarious. Definitely work a look at!

I also have a story based on the true events of how my boyfriend and I started dating. It's gonna be cute (hopefully!) and very fluffy! It's actually my anniversary present to him!

I'm also thinking about doing a Shinso x OC or a Kamijiro fic. I have WAY more planned for the Shinso one, but I think many of you would rather read a Kamijiro fic. Just let me know!

Sorry, this has been a super long author's note?? But seriously, thanks for reading!! You all are the best!!

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