Chapter Six

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((Sorry! Last week was finals week and I was super busy! But here's chapter 6!!))

- Yaoyorozu -

"Good job in the sports festival Momo!" My cousin told me over the phone.

"Thank you Yuriko, but I really didn't do that much." I admitted and rubbed the back of my head.

"Are you kidding me? You were incredible! You were so smart and fast!"

"I got pushed out of bounds before I could even put up a fight!"

"Oh Momo, please! That was one fight! You can't judge yourself on that!" Yuriko argued. But she was wrong. Every fight is important and I couldn't do anything in this one.

"I guess you're right." I lied, "I'll be sure to ease up on myself. Hey, I've got to get going now. I think my parents just got home!"

"Ok Momo! I'll talk to you later! Bye!"

"Bye Yuriko!" I said and ended the call. I groaned and flopped on my bed. I was tired from the sports festival. I really wish I had gotten further than I did. To be honest, if Todoroki didn't ask me to be on his calvary team I don't think I would have made it into the tournament. The fact that Tokoyami beat me so easily proves it.

I'm not good enough.

I shouldn't have been let in the U.A. I shouldn't have beven ranked first in the quirk assessment. I shouldn't have gotten so far in the sports festival.

I'm not good enough.

I have no idea why Todoroki even wanted me on his team. All I did was make stuff so the others could use their quirks more easily. Rollerblades, an insulated blanket, and anything we needed for defense. I only ever did what Todoroki told me to.

But we got the 10,000,000 points so clearly it wasn't a bad idea. I just wish I had done more in the tournament battles.

"Momo," my mom said giving my bedroom door a knock.


"Your grandparents are here. They would like to see you."

"Alright, I'll be right down. I'm going to change real quick." I told her getting up from my bed. I changed into a button up shirt and a skirt that went to my mid calves. I took my hair out of my ponytail and brushed out any tangles.

My grandparents were very particular about my appearance and after my lose in the tournament... I don't think I could handle anything else going wrong.

I placed my brush down once I finished and went downstairs to greet them. They usually gathered in the drawing room whenever they would visit.

"Hello Grandma and Grandpa." I greeted walking into the room.

"There she is!" My grandma said, "come here and sit down!" I obeyed her request and sat in between her and my grandpa on the couch.

"How are you today?" I asked them

"I'm good. Your grandpa and I watched your in the sports festival today."

"Oh! You did?" I asked nervously. My grandparents weren't totally sold on the idea of me being a pro hero. They wanted me to be something a little more "dignified" and "ladylike."

"Yes, you did very well in the race and the calvary battle" my grandpa told me with a pat on the back.

"Yes, your quirk certainly is wonderful. You're developing it very well" Grandma admitted patting my hand.

"But you have so many other skills that would be suited for something besides hero work" Grandpa reminded me bringing up the subject I knew would be discussed.

"But-" I tried to defend

"No buts. Your behavior and appearance in the sports festival was extremely unladylike. Using your other skills would be much more respectable." Grandma lectured, "How do you expect to find a boyfriend by acting as you did today!"

"Well, I figure my boyfriend should support me and my goals" I argued trying to keep myself calm.

"Yes, of course." She waved me off

"Well, we have a meeting to go to now. We really must get going." Grandpa said standing up, "We just wanted to pop in and see you for a bit."

"Don't forget about this year's banquet for the company." Grandma reminded me, "All of your cousins are bringing someone with them, so you should too. It doesn't have to be a date. I think Yuriko is inviting a friend of hers"

"Yes ma'am. I'll be sure to bring someone." I replied in a fake cheerfulness. I shouldn't have to invite anyone unless I wanted to. Having a friend would make the whole event much more tolerable though.

"Good. Make sure they're suitable for the event. I want to meet everyone's guests before hand. Keep practicing the piano, I want you and your cousins to play a couple songs during the reception."

"Of course. It was nice to see you again." I told her with a forced smile. She never seemed to notice when she was pushing my buttons even though she's been doing it for years. I gave them each a hug as the left the drawing room.

Once the door shut I groaned and sat down on the couch. Who on earth am I going to ask to come with me? Maybe Jiro? She and I are pretty good friends. She might not want to dress up though.

Maybe I could bring Hagakure or Ashido. They'd love to wear a fancy dress and go to the party. They would probably be a little loud and rambunctious though. I'm not sure if they would pass my grandma's scrutinizing.

What about Uraraka? We aren't super close, but I think she's a nice balance for the banquet. It would be a great opportunity to get to know her better.

Maybe Jiro would want to come, or maybe Hagakure and Ashido would be more subdued in order to attend the event. I'd have to wait until school to ask any of them just to be sure.

I'm going to have to work a lot harder to prove to my grandparents that the U.A. hero course is where I belong. Especially after my performance at the sports festival.

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