Chapter Three

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Todoroki and I made our way out to the front gate and down the street a little bit where Chinen was waiting for me at the car. I didn't like getting picked up right in front of the gate because I always felt weird having a chauffeur while most people walked or used public transportation.

"Is that your dad?" Todoroki asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Oh goodness no! That's Mr. Chinen, he's uh... my chauffeur," I admitted blushing

"Good afternoon Miss Yaoyorozu," Chinen opened my door of the car, "and who is with you?"

"I'm Shoto Todoroki, a classmate of Yaoyorozu"

"Very nice to meet you. Will he be accompanying you home miss?"

"Yes, we're going to study," I told him as Todoroki and I climbed into the car. Chinen got into the driver's seat and started the car.

"I didn't know you had a chauffeur," Todoroki said making me blush.

"Oh... yeah... well my parents run a very successful business company..." I explained just dreading when he sees how big my house is.

"Do they treat you well?"

"The company?"

"Your parents."

"Oh! Yes! They're wonderful, just busy a lot." I answered, surprised by the question, "Running a successful business as large as theirs takes a lot of time."

"Do they expect you to take over?"

"They'd like me to, but they don't expect me to. I have several cousins who are older than I am and wouldn't mind taking over once my parents retire." I told him.

He was very talkative right now and I couldn't quite figure out why. Was he only interested in my money? Is he even interested in me at all? No, Momo, don't start that! Todoroki nodded, seemingly deep in thought. I blushed even though I knew he couldn't possibly read my thoughts.

"I'm glad they're not forcing you to be what they want you to be," he spoke up. I looked at him and I could see his fists relax. I had no idea why they were clenched to begin with, but I'm glad he relaxed. The car finally arrived at the gate and Chinen punched in the code to open it.

"You weren't kidding when you said the business was successful, huh?" Todoroki remarked looking at the gate and all the land surrounding my house. I blushed and shook my head. We pulled up in front of the house. Well, I suppose to most people it was a mansion. It was three stories tall and the outside was covered in brick. It had lots of windows and elegant decorative elements. The house was much larger than we really needed, but it was useful whenever business associates were in town to have somewhere the house them. Not to mention enough space to host company parties.

Chinen opened the car door for us. I stepped out and Todoroki followed. He looked around, shocked by the utter size of the place. I was starting to second guess if this was a good idea or not...

"It's beautiful," Todoroki said and I gave a small smile.

"Thank you, now come on in" I told him walking up the front steps. Endo opened the front door to let us in.

"Welcome home Miss Yaoyorozu and..."

"Todoroki" I informed Endo

"And Mr. Todoroki," Endo finished, "Welcome to the Yaoyorozu estate."

"This place is huge..." Todoroki said in awe.

"Yes, well let me give you a brief layout. On this main level the great hall, the dining room, the drawing room, and the ballroom are to you left while the kitchen, the breakfast nook, the study and the informal living room are to your right. On the second floor there are guest bedrooms to the left. Each room has it's own sitting room, bedroom suite, and personal bathroom. Plus a conference room. On the right side of the second floor are the Yaoyorozu family's personal rooms. The master suite for Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu and a bedroom for Miss Yaoyorozu, each with a large closet and personal bathroom. Also on the floor is Miss Yaoyorozu's old play room which has been converted into a library. Finally, the third floor. This floor is the smallest of all the floors. It holds the home gym, the movie theater, the game room, and storage."

"Thank you Endo for the super long and unnecessarily details of the house and how big it is" I blushed, "We'll be upstairs studying."

"I'll bring some snacks up once they're prepared." Endo told us while we walked up the stairs.

"Thank you!" I called out before turning to Todoroki, "I'm so sorry if that made you uncomfortable... I know our house is large and it can be really intimidating and-"

"It's fine Yaoyorozu, I think your house is lovely."

"Thank you Todoroki! Here we go, this is my room." I said opening up the door and stepping in. There was a large four poster bed in the middle with a canopy, two nightstands, a desk and chair, a vanity with a bench, a bookcase, and various side tables and chairs around the room.

Todoroki looked like he didn't really know what to do, I giggled a little bit and sat on the edge of my bed to take my shoes and socks off.

"Sit wherever you'd like," I told him. He took his shoes off too and sat down on the floor in front of my bed, "that'll work"

I got off my bed and kneeled on the floor with him. I got my notes and textbook out of my backpack. Endo walked in and set down a tray on the side table.

"Miss Yaoyorozu, I just got news that your parents had to make a brief trip to Copenhagen. They will return in a couple days." I nodded in understanding and Endo left the room. I'd probably get a phone call later to talk about my day. While it is only about 4:00 PM here, it's about 9:00 am over there. I should expect a call around dinner because they'll be having lunch.

"What should we start with?" Todoroki asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Can I take a look at your test?" He passed it over to me. I looked through it and found the sections he struggled with. I grabbed one of my molecular structure books to make sure I made it right and produced a white board, dry erase marker, and an eraser.

"Let's get started!" I beamed

Before we knew it, it was five and we had covered most of his issues, but one was still lingering.

"Just forget it" he grumbled pushing his notes away.

"No! Todoroki! We're so close! We're almost done! I told him grabbing his hand off his knee, "don't give up!"

Todoroki looked over at me and my broad smile slowly receded. He studied my face for a bit before pulling his hand away from mine. I blushed and looked down, but it didn't matter. He wasn't looking at me anymore. He was looking at his notes again to do this one last concept.

"So tell me again and when to use semicolons..." he asked quietly. I couldn't quite tell, but I could see a faint blush on his cheeks too. Had I caused that? I answered his questions and began writing out different examples. At some point, I switched to drawing stuff, using acronyms, and various other techniques. I'm not sure how, but between everything I did, it clicked for him.

"Thank you for your help," Todoroki bowed as we stood at the front door to my house.

"Of course!" I smiled, "Chinen told me he'll drive you home if you'd like. He's waiting outside."

"I would appreciate that." He said. I wasn't sure what to say after that. How do I say goodbye to him? Handshake? Wave? Hug? Definitely not a hug, I don't think he'd know what to do if I did that.

"Have a good evening Yaoyorozu." He said opening the door and breaking the silence.

"Yes! You too Todoroki!" I smiled

"And Yaoyorozu,"


"You're a great tutor."

Author's note:
Hi everyone! So again, thanks for reading! Would you like to see something from Todoroki's point of view in one of the next chapters? I keep debating it, so just let me know! Also, their relationship will develop very slowly just because of the kind of person Todoroki is and how respectful Momo is. I think that's it for now! Have a great day!! And thanks for reading!

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