Chapter Five

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- Todoroki -

I never did go over on Friday. We went to do rescue training at the USJ when several villains attacked. It was nerve wracking. I told her if she didn't want to train, we didn't have to. She told me we'd reschedule.

Unfortunately, it'll continue to be delayed. Today in class Aizawa told us about the upcoming sports festival. I was equally dreading this and looking forward to it. I hated the idea of my dad watching it, but I loved the satisfaction I'd get from winning by only using my mom's quirk.

I knew I was going to have to work hard for this and I couldn't let my old man know it. I needed my victory to appear effortless. The bell rang for lunch and I lingered in the classroom listening to the others chat for a bit before heading to get some food.

"Todoroki," a familiar voice called from behind me

"Yaoyorozu, what is it?" I asked her

"I just wanted to wish you luck in your preparations for the sports festival." She smiled

"But why? We're competing against each other."

"Yes, but we're friends. Aren't we?" She asked

"I - uh..." I pondered and thought back to Fuyumi.

"I like her."

"Shoto, you better not be messing with me!" Fuyumi insisted staring me down.

"I'm not. I'm just concerned..." I explained

"About what?"

"Well, as much as I've tried to deny it I do like her. But I want to be the number one hero. Won't she get in the way of that?"

"Oh Shoto," she sighed, "dad certainly has corrupted you... You can have friends and still be the number one hero. She's trying to be a hero too, right?" She asked and I nodded, "Then I don't think she's going to 'get in the way.' Listen, people who truly want to be a good friend to you won't stop you from achieving your goals - they'll help you along the way."

Yaoyorozu tutored me so I could improve, wants to train with me, and wished me luck... that does seem to fit what Fuyumi was trying to tell me...

"Yes, we are friends." I admitted feeling heat rise in my cheeks, "Good luck to you too."

"Thank you! I'll see you after lunch!" She said with a smile and headed to the cafeteria.

I can't believe I did that...

- Yaoyorozu -

"What took you so long?" Jiro asked when I finally arrived at the table.

"Oh, I just stopped to talk to Todoroki briefly." I told her and the other girls.

"Oooh! Todoroki is so cute!" Ashido gushed, "What did you talk about?"

"I just wished him luck with preparing for the sports festival, no big deal."

"No big deal! Todoroki hardly talks to anyone! What'd he say?" Hagakure asked excitedly.

"He was confused why I was wishing him luck but he wished me luck as well."

"What a gentleman!" Ashido sighed

"You're crushing hard there Ashido." Jiro joked

"It's not that I have a crush on him, he's just one of the most eligible boys in our class!"

"Yeah, ok!" Jiro teased, "Besides, we all know that Yaoyorozu has her eye on him!"

"What! I do not!" I blushed

"She's blushing!" Hagakure cried out

"So what! Everyone blushes when you accuse them of having a crush on someone!"

"Yeah, but you blushed a lot!" Jiro pointed out. I thought back to how I felt when I first saw him. He literally took my breath away.

"Ok, so I might like him a little bit... is that obvious?" I groaned.

"No, we just know you." Jiro said "Besides, even if it were obvious, I don't think Todoroki would notice. He's pretty oblivious." The other girls nodded in agreement.

"Todoroki doesn't really seem like he wants to make friendships... He barely admitted we were friends today," I told them, "I'll continue to be friends with him, but I don't think he's really looking for a relationship right now. It's no big deal. I'll get over my crush eventually."

"Poor Yaoyorozu!" Hagakure sighed looking at me sympathetically. I shook me head and gave a small smile.

"I'm fine, really! There are plenty of guys out there. I can't expect to marry the first one I like" I laughed trying to convince them, and myself, that I was ok not being with Todoroki.

"If you say so! I think that'd be cute though!" Ashido cooed.

"Yeah! High school sweethearts!" Hagakure beamed. The two were staring off into space as if they were imagining the entire relationship in their heads.

"C'mon guys, how many married couples do you know that are high school sweethearts?" Jiro asked, "Yaoyorozu is just being realistic."


I never thought being called realistic would hurt so much. Did she think I had no shot with him? I knew it was a long shot with Todoroki being so quiet and introverted, but was it really that far fetched?

The end of lunch bell rang so we threw our trash away and stacked our trays. We made small talk as we walked back to the classroom. Luckily they had dropped the subject of my love life. I didn't want someone to overhear about my pathetic crush that I couldn't do anything about.

We got to the classroom with a couple minutes to spare. I went to my desk in the back corner to get set up for class. The girls knew I liked to be early and prepared so they let me be.

"Hello Todoroki, how was your lunch?" I asked him.

"It was fine." He answered, "how was yours?"

"It was good!" I told him. Good? Really Momo? Confessing you have a crush on a classmate to your friends and admitting wouldn't be with him is a good lunch? I mentally scolded myself for saying that. I felt my face get hot in embarrassment and I looked down at my desk.

"I'm glad to hear."

I sighed quietly and opened my notebook. Why did he have  This was going to be much harder than I thought it would be.


Hey guys!! I just wanted to give a mini headsup that my finals are coming up next week so I won't be able to update as much as I'd like. Don't worry! I will have at least one chapter up the end of next week. I just wish I could do more but I have a lot of stuff to do. Thanks again for reading!! I hope you're enjoying it!

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