Chapter Twenty One

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"Yes Bakugo. This is a required project." Aizawa told him, "Since there are only six girls in this class, there will be about seven pairs of guys taking care of these babies."

Several of guys scrambled up to try and pair up with a girl. Shoto quickly reached over to grab my arm but I felt another hand on my other arm.

"Nuh-uh Todoroki! I called dibs first!" Mineta teased and I yanked my arm out of his grasp. If looks could kill, Mineta would be dead twenty times over from the look Shoto was giving him.

"Sit down." Aizawa announced, "Your partners are already assigned. As many of the pairs as possible were with someone you would get along with to insure as much success as possible."

"First we have Todoroki and Yaoyorozu as a pair!" Present Mic hollered. Shoto looked extremely relieved. I reached over to squeeze his arm.

"Midoriya and Uraraka are another pair" Aizawa continued as he and Aizawa went back and forth listing off pairs. Midoriya and Uraraka both went bright red to this paring.

"Kaminari and Jiro." Kaminari looked excited while Kyoka looked upset, but I know her well enough to know she was faking.

"Tokoyami and Asui." The two nodded. They had gotten through the final exam fairly well so they didn't seem to mind.

"Ojiro and Hagakure." Toru did a happy fist pump in the air. As Ojiro rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous smile.

"Sero and Ashido." They gave each other thumbs up with wide smiles. That's all the girls so the only pairs left will only have male members.

"Bakugo and Kirishima." Bakugo started to complain while Kirishima gave a thumbs up flashing a toothy grin.

"Koda and Shoji." The pair nodded. They were both fairly quiet so that might work out well for them.

"Sato and Aoyama." They were an odd pair, but Sato will definitely make sure Aoyama won't bedazzle the baby doll so that's good.

"And finally Iida and Mineta." Aizawa finished as Mineta looked distraught while Iida went on a mini rant about he vowed to take care of this fake baby to the best of his abilities.

"Radical!" Present Mic hollered, "Everyone get with your partner and we'll come by with a baby doll for each group!"

Everyone got up and went to join their partner. Shoto and I just hung out at our desk as Present Mic wheeled the cart around delivering babies.

"Here you go!" He said passing us one of the babies. I took it from him and looked at it. It was just your average baby. No physical quirks were given to the fake babies.

"Now then, these babies need the same care as a three month old." Aizawa informed us, "That means they still sleep a lot and they don't need to be fed as often as a newborn, but they still aren't nearly self reliant. They will need your help to do everything"

"This includes eating, changing it's clothes, diapers, entertainment, and bathtime!" Present Mic added, "You'll each be supplied with everything you'll need to take care of the babies for a week!"

"These babies are very sophisticated. They will track how often you feed them, how long they cry, how much they sleep, how you talk to them, how often you bathe them, and even how often you change their clothes. It tracks everything. At the end of the week we'll review the data and grade you accordingly."

"That's insane!" Kaminari complained, "We have to do all that and it tracks us?"

"Yes sir!" Present Mic hollered, "But wait, there's more!"

"You will have to take these babies everywhere. Including class activities. You will have to balance your hero training with your baby as a simulation to what your future might look like." Aizawa told us, "It's not impossible, but it will take some discussion with your partner."

"Which also makes this project a test of teamwork as well! Which you'll  be graded on as well!" Present Mic pointed out to us. I glanced at Shoto, he was staring at the fake baby I was holding with a very stern look, "Now we're going to pass out your supplies for the week!"

"Are you ok Shoto?" I asked him

"Huh?" He looked up at me, "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I just don't like babies. They stare at me."

He glanced at the baby with narrowed eyes.

"Dont fight the baby." I teased and he gave a small smile.

"Here you go!" Present Mic announced handing us a backpack and a baby basket for it to sleep in. Shoto and I thanked him.

"Alright, I'm going to activate the babies now." Aizawa informs us pressing a few buttons on the cart. The room suddenly filled with baby cries, coos, and the gasps of shocked students. "They're completely your responsibility for the next seven days."

"Please see if there are any instructions for feeding it." I told him and passed the bag to Shoto. I started to bounce our crying baby as he rifled through the bag. He pulled out a book and started to look though it. He flipped through the pages to look for what we needed. Eventually he settled on a page a read for a while. Soon he began to dig through the bag again and left the classroom once he had the bottle in hand.

I talked to the baby to try and calm it down more. Shoto returned with the bottle filled with water.

"Perfect. Thank you Shoto!" I thanked him as he handed me the bottle. Some couples didn't know what to do and were panicking, others were arguing, and others were off to a good start like Todoroki and I were. I started to feed our fake baby it's fake milk.

"There we go!" I smiled as ours stopped crying, "First problem solved."

Shoto nodded and kept to himself. He wouldn't look at me, the fake baby, or any of the babies things.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I tried asking him again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't see the point of this..."

"It's their way of deterring us or anyone else from having sex. It's giving us a dose of reality."

"I get that, but this isn't reality."

"Well no, not-"

"No, in reality, I don't think I want any kids." Shoto admitted.

A/N for those of you who don't follow me:

Sorry for taking so long to update! I spent most of my weekend preparing for camp this week! So that took a while and in that process I accidentally burned my right hand a little bit. It's super small, but in an annoying place (right where I like to hold my phone)

And of course, not only did I do that, but I accidentally cut my index finger on the left hand (also right where I like to hold my phone). So both of my hands are hurt (but healing very well!) Camp is all set up and I have everything I need done so I should be updating more regularly!

Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting. I love seeing you all enjoying this story!! You all are the best!!

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