Chapter Twenty Eight

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- Yaoyorozu -

It's amazing how quickly one month went by while dating Shoto. You know what they say, 'time goes by fast when you're having fun!' I guess there's some truth in that. I really am enjoying dating Shoto. I have fun spending time with him whether it's a date or just doing homework together in the same room.

Today is our one month anniversary, a real record breaker, huh? It definitely isn't remarkable, but it's special to us. It's the first milestone of many. We have to go to classes today and tomorrow, so we can't do too much between classes, homework, and curfew. But Shoto and I agreed to making dinner together and eating in his room.

I'm changing into something more comfortable to cook in right now. We're making soba noodles because they're easy and they're Shoto's favorite. Plus, since it is so quick, we can spend more time together relaxing.

Everyone knows it's our anniversary so they seem nervous to come into the kitchen at all. I told them it was ok to come in multiple times today, but to no avail.

"Alright, it looks like it's done now!" I told Shoto happily. He nodded and grabbed a couple bowls and utensils. I put our dinner into a serving bowl and we went up to his dorm room.

I was still amazed how different his was from mine, or anyone else's really. He really did work hard to get it that way. We set up the table and served ourselves some dinner.

"This looks so good Shoto!" I remarked, "Thank you!"

He nodded and we started to eat. I tried talking some more, but only got short responses in return.

"What did you think about the assignment for-"

"I'd rather not talk about school right now."

"Ah, ok." I sighed. Something seemed off, but I couldn't quite place what it was. Should I ask him? Or would he get more upset? What if he's just tired? But what if something is seriously wrong? I sighed, I know what I have to do.

"How's the soba?" I asked


"That's good..." I rubbed the back of my head. "Look, that's not what I wanted to ask..."


"Yeah... I just wanted to know, are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine." He assured me

"But you're so quiet tonight. Something's off." I insisted and he sighed.

"Do you really want to know what's bothering me?".

"Yes Shoto, we're dating, if course I want to know what's bothering you!"

"Well, do you ever think about marriage?" He asked me. The question surprised me. Most little girls dream of their wedding from the day they figured out what it is. Many couples don't talk about marriage with someone they've only been dating for a month. Not to mention the fact that we're high school students.

"Well, I guess a little bit, why?"

"I'm just curious." He answered, "I'm not sure if you know, but I'm the kind of guy who dates with the intent of marrying that person in the future. I guess what I'm really asking is, are you dating me for fun or with the intent of marrying me?"

I stared at him. I knew he was more serious than many of our classmates but even this threw me for a loop. I thought about his question, our one month together, saying we loved each other, meeting his mom, taking care of a fake baby, when he asked to be my boyfriend, my birthday, the trip to the mall, the banquet, when he visited me in the hospital, when he met my family, when I taught him to dance, our final exam, when we became friends, when I tutored him, all the way back to when I first saw him.

"I'm dating you with the intent to marry you one day." I decided. I truly loved Shoto Todoroki and I couldn't picture my life without him in it. Shoto smiled and gave a nod.

"Good. Now, I'd be happy to answer the question you had earlier about the assignment. I just wanted to get that off my mind."

I smiled and asked my question again. I'm glad my Shoto is back to normal. He really seemed to be worrying about the question of marriage for a while now. Even though we're young, there was no doubt in my mind that he was the only one I wanted to be with.

The rest of the evening went smoothly and we talked freely again about anything and everything. To think that this boy is the same boy as the quiet one I met the first day of classes was surprising. He's definitely opened up to me and I love it.

"Momo, I've been thinking." He said near the end of dinner.

"About what?"

"Well, you've met my mom. You've technically met Fuyumi and Natsuo, but you haven't really talked to them. Would you like to come over to my house one Saturday to meet them?"

"To your house?" I questioned, "But won't your dad be there?"

"It's possible, but to be honest, I don't care." He answered, "I'm proud of you and he's going to have to deal with that whether he likes it or not."

I blushed at his comment. It's true that Shoto was protective, but was I ready to meet his dad? I was terrified enough to meet his mom even though Shoto told me she was nice. His dad was the number one hero now and has a history of anger.

"Are you sure about this Shoto?"

"I'm positive."

"Well..." I thought about the idea some more. His brother and sister did seem nice and I would like to get to know them some more. Would meeting them officially be enough to counter meeting Endeavor? I mean, surely there's no way that he'll do anything with so many people there.

"If you're positive about this, then I trust you." I admitted, "I'll meet your siblings and your dad whenever you want to go see them."

"How about this Saturday?"

A/N: so sorry that took so long! I guess it didn't actually post last night even though I hit publish?? Anyway! Here it is! Enjoy!

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