Chapter Seventeen

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- Yaoyorozu -


That's what most people feel when they kiss someone the really like. But that's not the case here.

Fireworks interrupted my kiss. Todoroki and I jumped away from each other when we heard the loud whistle and boom of the firework.

The moment was ruined and I was devastated. My face was red and I felt my chest burning in anger. I was completely flustered.

"Ah, We should probably get back inside now." He said breaking the silence and avoiding my gaze.

"Yeah... Probably..." I reluctantly agreed. I don't think he wants to try to kiss me again and I'm too mad to do it myself. I walked across the patio back to the French doors that led inside. I heard Todoroki's footsteps following behind me. I finished my drink and placed it on one of the trays the servants were collecting empty glasses on.

"Thank you." I told him. I don't know where I was heading, but I needed to calm down.

"Yaoyorozu." Todoroki said breaking my thoughts, "I like this song, do you mind if we dance for a little bit?"

"Oh, yes, we can do that."

Todoroki held out his hand and I gratefully took it. It was warm to the touch which wasn't the most pleasant, but the hand he placed on my waist was nice and cool and I was thankful.

"So how are you enjoying the banquet?" I asked him

"It's definitely fancy, but I'm glad I'm here." Todoroki told me.

"I'm glad too."

Even if we had another interrupted kiss, I enjoyed being with Todoroki. He certainly was becoming a good friend of mine. The only problem was I wasn't completely sure if he liked me of not.

And yes, I know, we've almost kissed twice, but those were very intense, personal moments. Who knows if he actually wanted to or if he just felt like he had to.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Todoroki interrupted my thoughts, "You look troubled."

"Oh! Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

"Are you sure? We can go sit down for a bit if you want to."

"Yeah, that'd be nice." I said. We left the ballroom and went back to the drawing room. A few other groups of people were in there but there was still plenty of space to sit. I led him over to the window seat, which is my favorite place to sit in thos room. We sat in silence for a while. Nothing makes talking more awkward than an interrupted kiss. I tried to start a conversation, "So, Todoroki, how are your parents reacting to the dorms at U.A.?"

"They're fine with it. My dad insists that this is what I need to do to be the number one pro hero and my mom wants me to be happy. What about you? How did your parents react?"

"They were a little unsure at first, but they decided that there's no safer place for me to be than on school grounds surrounded by pro heroes."

"That's good. Class wouldn't be the same without you."

"If you say so!" I laughed, "All I do is answer questions."

"Yeah, but that's important." He insisted, "If you weren't there, someone else would have to answer those questions."

"Oh wow, that's all I'm good for, huh?" I joked

"No, I like talking to you too." He said and my heart did a little flip and butterflies filled my stomach.

"Well that's sweet, I like talking to you too." I told him. He smiled at that and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. This crush was really getting out of hand.

"There you too are!" Yuriko announced walking over to us with Hana beside her. I was thankful they came now instead of potentially interrupting another kiss.

"Hi guys, how are you?" I asked them.

"We're good, but were gonna head out now. It's getting late and the ballroom is clearing out." Yuriko explained.

"Oh! Well have a good night you two!" I said standing up to give them hugs, "I wish we could have talked more!"

"Don't worry about it Momo," Hana told me

"We know you're enjoying the evening with your future boyfriend." Yuriko whispered with a wink and a nudge.

"Oh shush Yuriko!" I huffed feeling my face heat up.

"Bye Todoroki!" Hana said giving him a wave.

"Nice seeing you again!" Yuriko added with a wave.

"Goodbye, nice to see you too. Have a good night." He told them with a nod. The girls left the room and I sat down by Todoroki again.

"Have you started packing up to move into the dorms yet?" I asked

"A little bit, but not a lot." He said, "What about you?"

"Oh, just clothes mostly. I'm using the furniture I already own so I can't do a whole lot." I explained

"I know what you mean."

"I can't wait to see the dorms! It'll be such a great bonding experience for the class. It could help us all work together more."

"Hopefully so, yes." He agreed glancing at me with a small smile.

"Shoto Todoroki, your ride is waiting for you." Endo announced. Todoroki and I stood up to say goodbye. I didn't want him to leave, but it was getting late.

"Thank you for coming Todoroki." I told him.

"Thank you for having me." He said taking my hand in his and giving it a kiss. My face went bright red. He let go and began to head for the door. Right before he got there, he turned back to look at me, "I really enjoy spending time with you."

"I enjoy spending time with you too."

"I was thinking, I need to go to the mall sometime. Would you want to come with me?"

"I'd love to." I told him with a smile.

"Great, I'll text you about it later. Have a good night Yaoyorozu."

"Call me Momo." I decided. He was one of my best friends and having him call me by my surname felt weird at this point in time.

"Have a good night Momo." He corrected himself giving me a smile before leaving the drawing room. I sighed and looked longingly out the window. I didn't know if I could call him Shoto or not, but I didn't care. I just wish I could call him mine.

A/N: don't kill me!! I have a plan! They're going to get together SUPER soon! Don't worry!! I just wanted to add more tension! Thanks again for reading!

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