Chapter Fifteen

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- Todoroki -

"This isn't exactly what I had in mind." Yaoyorozu thought aloud.

"What?" I asked .

"When we became friends, I didn't have this in mind."

"Hanging out?" I questioned, "Friends hang out."

"Well, I figured we would hang out," she said with a laugh, "I just figured it wouldn't be in a hospital."

"Ahh. I understand."

The summer camp went horribly wrong when a few members of the league of villains attacked. I certainly didn't see anything going the way it did either. Midoriya, Hagakure, Jiro, and Yaoyorozu were all hospitalized due to the attack. I wanted to visit Yaoyorozu to keep her company since her best friend was still unconscious.

"How is everyone else doing?" She wondered.

"They're fine. Jiro and Hagakure still haven't woken up and Midoriya is still here in the hospital too."

"That's good." She said, "I'm worried about Bakugo though. I hope the police are able to find him quickly."

"Me too." I agreed and an awkward silence filled the room. I tried to alleviate it by continuing to talk, "How's your head?"

"It feels weird, but it's definitely getting better."

"That's good."

We fell into another awkward silence. Why was talking so hard? Mom and Fuyumi made it seem like it would be easy.

"So..." I attempted

"So..." Yaoyorozu repeated

"So..." I said again making it even more awkward, "I'm sorry, I'm bad at this."

"That's alright Todoroki. Why don't we try to get to know each other better?"

"I'd like that." I told her. She smiled at me.

"Ok let's start off easy, what's your favorite color?"

"Blue. What about you?" I asked

"I like red. It's warm and has a wide range of meanings."

"Ahh, well blue is nice..."

"You're trying too hard Todoroki! Relax!" She chuckled, "It's your turn to ask a question."

"Oh, uhh... What do you like to do?"

"I really enjoy reading and hanging out with my friends."

"Yeah, well you are an extrovert." I pointed out.

"What? I'm not an extrovert, I'm an introvert." Yaoyorozu corrected.

"But you talk to a lot of people and you like hanging out with them."

"Yeah, but it really wears me out." She explained.

"Really? It never seems that way."

"Oh, well I'm good at hiding when I'm socially drained. It's a very handy tool for company events like the banquet."

"I guess that makes sense." I admitted.

"Now then! What do you like to do?"

"I enjoy visiting my mom. I don't do a whole lot besides that."

"Visiting your mom? Does she not live with you?"

"Uh, no... After an incident when I was younger my dad decided that she should uh," I paused trying to come up with the right words so I didn't reveal too much, "Stay in a hospital for her mental health."

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that Todoroki... Do you have any other family?"

"Yes, I have three siblings. Two brothers and a sister. My sister's name is Fuyumi and my brothers are Toya and Natsuo."

"Oh, that must have been nice. I don't have any siblings, just my cousins."

"Yeah. I didn't really hang out with them much when I was younger. We get along well, but I just wasn't allowed to see them much."

"Todoroki, I'm getting the idea that your childhood was very different from mine..." Yaoyorozu said fiddling with her fingers.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'm sorry if I'm making this awkward."

"Oh! No! You aren't! I just don't want to pry too much." She reassured, "If you don't want to talk about it, that's completely fine!"

I nodded. I'm not sure if I wanted to tell Yaoyorozu. I didn't want her to feel bad for me. She and I were just now starting to get more comfortable talking to each other. I didn't want to mess it up.

Yaoyorozu and I had been friends now for a while though. I do need to talk to her more. I would like to date her. How will I be able to date her if I can't confide in her.

"I want to tell you." I decided

"Really?" She asked surprised at my choice.

"Yes. As you know, my father is Endeavor." I began and she nodded, "And you know that my quirk is half fire and half ice."

"Yes. You got your fire from your dad and I guess your ice came from your mom?"

"Yes. When my dad younger, he wanted to create a child with an powerful quirk in order to become the number one hero. So he married my mom to try and do that. They have a quirk marriage."

"Wow... your dad is uhh...."

"Hold on, I'm not done. Toya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo all only had one of my parent's quirks. None of them seemed fit to my dad. Then I was born. To him, I was his perfect creation. As soon as I was old enough to comprehend it, he began to train me to be a hero. He would be very aggressive during this training and often ended up hurting me or anyone who got in the way.

"My mom hated it. She got more and more distressed and scared everyday. Until one day, she accidentally snapped. My left side, I overheard her say, looked too much like my dad. When I asked her about it, she poured boiling water on my face. That's where my scar came from. That's why he sent her away.

"So my siblings and I grew up with our father. Toya dissapeared at some point and I really can't blame him. It wasn't until after the sports festival that I actually went to see her again. I missed her so that's why I really enjoy spending time with her."

"Is that everything?" She asked and I nodded. She was quiet for a bit. I sighed. I knew it was too soon to tell her.

"Yaoyorozu, I-"

"You're very strong Todoroki - and not just physically. That was a lot to go through, especially as a child. I appreciate you telling me about it."

I looked at her. No sympathy? That was different.

"You're welcome." I nodded.

"Ah! Young Todoroki, young Yaoyorozu! I am here!" All Might greeted from the door of the hospital room. A police officer was behind him.

"We just had a few questions to ask Yaoyorozu about the attack." The officer explained.

"That's alright, I was going to visit Midoriya with the others anyway. I'll see you later Yaoyorozu." I said standing up to leave and she nodded.

"Alright Todoroki. Thank you for coming to talk to me today. I enjoyed it." She smiled.

I smiled back and left the room. I went to get a drink and on my way to Midoriya's room I heard Yaoyorozu telling them about a tracking device she had embedded in a Nomu. I was impressed. She's come a long way from the sports festival when it comes to trusting herself. I was proud of her. She's extremely smart and really shouldn't second guess herself.

I really want her to be my girlfriend and I finally feel like I'm on the right track to doing that.

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