Chapter Twenty Seven

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- Yaoyorozu -

Thankfully, I was mostly better by Sunday and completely better for class today. I was extremely thankful for that.

I was glad Shoto came and took care of me, but I couldn't help but feel bad about it. He spent the whole day taking care of me and even made sure I had medicine and water if I woke up during the night. It was just so sweet!

I was sipping some tea while my toast finished cooking. I didn't want to tempt fate by eating something that would upset my stomach. I remembered that we had jam in the fridge that I could use so I went to get it out.

"Good morning beautiful." Shoto greeted walking over to the kitchen, "Are you feeling better?"

"Much better. Thank you again for taking care of me while I was sick." I answered as my toast popped out of the toaster.

"You really don't have to thank me. I just wanted to help you feel better." He told me kissing my cheek.

"Careful! I could still have germs on me! I don't want you to get sick!"

"It's worth it." He said kissing my cheek again. I groaned and laughed while playfully pushing him away. We settled down to eat breakfast together before we had to leave to go to classes.

Other students started to file in and the common area erupted into chaos as everyone tried to get ready for the day. As an only child from a rich family, it was odd to see but I enjoyed it because it was the closest thing I had to siblings.

We all got ready and started to walk over in small groups. Shoto and I were near the beginning of the pack because I like to arrive early. Shoto doesn't totally understand, but he knows I get nervous if I'm not at least 10 minutes early. Midoriya and Ochaco were in front of us, but they were walking slower than Shoto and I so we caught up to them quickly.

"Hey guys!" I said giving them a wave. Ochaco tried to wave back, but forgot she was holding onto something. That something was Midoriya's hand, "Wait, are you two dating now too?"

"Huh?" Midoriya cried out before breaking into stutters, "Oh! Yes! We are- but- we're-"

Ochaco looked just as flustered and panicked by the announcement.

"Oh! Sorry! Trying to keep it on the down low?" I asked trying to calm them down and they nodded, "Don't worry about it! We won't tell anyone!"

"Thank you Momo!" They sighed looking much more relieved.

"We just saw what happened with you and Todoroki and figured we want to wait a bit before we get that kind of attention." Midoriya explained and Ochaco nodded in agreement.

"Just don't let Aizawa find out." Shoto told them and they laughed.

"He has a point, but we'll see you two in class! Enjoy the rest of your walk!" I added before Shoto and I picked up the pace again.

"Goodness they were nervous! And Midoriya was stuttering more than usual!" I noted once we were further away from the new couple.

"That was exactly how you responded when they asked you if we were dating." Todoroki pointed out.

"No it wasn't!"

"Yes it was. Almost the exact words and all."

We joked around until we got to class. The day went by fairly quick and we all went back to the dorm. The girls and I got together to do homework and catch up a little bit.

"So Momo, how's it going with Todoroki?" Toru cooed.

"It's going very well, thank you for asking!" I told them with a smile.

"Your one month anniversary is tomorrow, isn't it?" Ochaco asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, it is. We're not doing anything too fancy though. Just dinner in his room and hanging out."

"That's so cute though!" Mina gushed and I smiled at her.

We finished up our homework while talking about all sorts of things. The girls and I agreed to make dinner for everyone if we finished up soon enough. We did and started to make dinner. Shoto, along with some others, came to help us. Kaminari sat on the counter annoying Kyoka while she tried to do her part of the meal.

Most of the class at dinner together and enjoyed the time together. Todoroki and I sat next to each other and talked about our days as much as we could. It's a little hard to do that when your significant other is right next to you almost the entire day.

Those who didn't help cook cleaned up the dishes. This time Kyoka was the one bothering Kaminari while he cleaned dishes. She would never admit it, but she has to like him a little bit otherwise she wouldn't chose to hang out with him like that.

Todoroki and I went up to his room to relax some before curfew. I wanted to curi up outside on the balcony under a blanket since it was getting cooler outside now. Todoroki agreed and helped me take some pillows outside to be comfortable.

We sat down and looked up at the sky. Many lights were still turned on across the campus, but it was much easier to see stars here than anywhere else in the city.

"I really like spending time with you." I told him leaning my head against his.

I like spending time with you too."

I smiled and thought about how much happier I've been since he and I started to date. Even in this first month I felt extremely happy and close to him.

"Do you love him?" Mina asked and all the girls turned to look at me.

"What?" I chuckled nervously, "We've only been dating for a month, isn't that a little too early to say?"

"Not necessarily. Everyone feels love at a different point in a relationship so it can't really be too early." Kyoka pointed out.

"When did you become a love expert?" Ochaco joked nudging Kyoka whose face was bright red now.

"But Momo! You didn't answer my question! Do you love Todoroki?" Mina repeated.

Do I love him? I wasn't able to answer Mina and my chest is clenching up now just thinking about it. I think I do... But then again I don't really know what love is... How can I be sure?

I really did like spending time with him, even if we don't do anything. I also cared about him a lot. He makes me happy and I equally feel butterflies in my stomach and at peace when I was with him. I couldn't really picture my future with anyone else.


"Yes Momo?"

"I think I love you." I admitted. Shoto jerked up and turned to face me.

"You do?" He asked and I nodded, "Damn it! I wanted to tell you I loved you first!"


"I was waiting until after dinner tomorrow to tell you..."


"Yes. I love you too Momo." He told me before giving me a kiss which I gladly accepted. The night was chilly, but I didn't even notice when I was next to Shoto.

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