Chapter Sixteen

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- Todoroki -

"Presenting Shoto Todoroki." Endo announced as I walked into the drawing room. Everyone looked my way and started to clap. I could hear a murmur from the crowd even over the applause. I gave a nod and tried to blend into the crowd so the murmur would stop. I messed with my tie. I was used to wearing a tie, but something about being in the suit made me feel weird.

I had wanted to tell Yaoyorozu that I liked her tonight, but I was losing confidence fast. It seemed like tonight was going to be the perfect night to tell her - fancy dinner, dancing, etc. - but now I wasn't so sure.

"Todoroki!" a voice calling out. Was that Yaoyorozu? No... it can't be. Her and her parents are getting introduced last... "Todoroki!"

There it is again. Who is that? I looked around to find the source of the voice. I soon found the familiar face of Nakayama. That wasn't her who was calling me though...

"Todoroki!" I looked down a little bit in front of her and found Kimura trying to get through the crowd to me. She was the one trying to get my attention. I started to make my way through the crowd to her too. I wasn't extremely close to either girl, but they were better than being alone with my thoughts.

"Hello Kimura, Nakayama." I greeted with a nod. Nakayama was in a medium length navy lace dress while Kimura was in a long silky one. "You two look very nice."

"Thank you!" Kimura beamed

"Yeah, thanks!" Nakayama agreed with a smile. I continued to look around the room and fiddle with my tie.

"Oi, Todoroki! Stop messing with your tie, you're making it look bad." Kimura told me as she straightened and tightened my tie.

"Oh, thank you." I muttered

"Just relax! You don't have to try hard, ya know?" She explained, "She likes you for you, otherwise she wouldn't have invited you!"

"I guess so."

"Momo does talk about you a lot." Nakayama added, "She was going on for days about when you visited her in the hospital. She was so happy you came to see her."


"Oh yeah! She brought it up anytime she could." Kimura laughed, "But don't tell her that we told you that! She'd kill us."

"I won't tell her." I assured them before turning away. Yaoyorozu talked about me? I had no idea. They made it seem like she really did enjoy spending time with me. I felt a small smile form and blush creep onto my cheeks.

"Now introducing, your hosts, the Yaoyorozu family." Endo announced and everyone turned to face the entrance, "Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu and their daughter Momo."

Yaoyorozu stood between her parents in a red halter dress. Her hair was still in her signature ponytail, but it was more smoothed down than normal.

She looked stunning. Unbelievably attractive. I think she's always pretty, but I had never seen her like this before.

She was smiling softly and gave small waves to a few people. I started to work my way through the crowd to accompany her.

It wasn't until I was a few people away from her that she noticed me. Her face lit up and she waited for me to get all the way to the front.

"Yaoyorozu." I bowed, "You look beautiful. May I offer you my arm?" I asked her holding out my arm for her to hold as everyone started to filter into the great hall.

"Yes, thank you Todoroki." She blushed, "You look very handsome yourself."

I smiled softly and accompanied her to our spots at the table. Yaoyorozu let go of my arm as we arrived to our chairs. I pulled out her chair. She thanked me and sat down. I pushed her chair in and took my seat next to hers.

Most of Yaoyorozu's family was clumped fairly close together. Her father sat at the head of the table with her mother to his right. Yaoyorozu sat on his left and I sat to the left of her.

Dinner went smoothly. I knew what all of the utensils and didn't make a fool of myself. I didn't talk a lot, but I was very put together anytime I was brought into a conversation.

After dinner, Yaoyorozu and her cousins did their performances. Everyone did a wonderful job and Yaoyorozu didn't sing - just like she said she wouldn't.

Now, it was time for the first dance. Naozumi went up to his great grandma - Yaoyorozu's grandma - to ask her to dance. Most of the couples started to get ready while the orchestra was preparing to start playing. The first notes began to play and I looked towards Yaoyorozu. She was looking around in awe as all the couples started to dance along to the music.

"Would you like to dance?" I asked Yaoyorozu holding out my hand.

"I'd love to." She smiled taking my hand. We spun into a waltz like the other duos in the ballroom.

"You really are a great dancer." She told me smiling.

"Well, I had a great teacher." I reminded her with a smile.

She looked so happy. I did that. I made her happy. I felt my confidence returning to me as we waltzed around the room.

After a few songs, Yaoyorozu asked if we could take a break and get a couple drinks. I went and got us a couple glasses of sparkling grape juice.

I looked around the room and couldn't see Yaoyorozu. I felt a pit grow in my stomach. Where was she?

I looked around more carefully and was able to spot her sitting on a bench on the patio outside of the ballroom. I sighed in relief. Hopefully my confidence wasn't gone. I really wanted to tell Yaoyorozu how I felt about her.

I stepped outside to join her. The air was much cooler out here and the view of the garden was beautiful.

"Here's your drink Yaoyorozu." I announced holding it out. She turned to look at me and took the glass from my hand.

"Thank you, Todoroki." She said before taking a sip, "It's beautiful out tonight." She sighed and stared off to the garden and the starry night sky.

"Yeah," I agreed looking at her, "It's breathtaking."

She glanced over at me and noticed me watching her. She seemed surprised I was watching her, but she didn't turn away. Her eyes were sparkling, reflecting the lights from the ballroom. She gave me a seemingly innocent look. Time seemed to freeze as the two of us leaned. This is it. This is my moment.

It was just me and Yaoyorozu, and nothing else in the world mattered as we leaned in for a kiss.

A/N: so thank you so much to everyone who reads this! You all are so supportive and I'm so surprised how well this story is doing and how popular it is!! You all are great! Thank you so much!!
Oh, and fun fact, I originally intended for most of this story to be in Momo's point of view and it's gone a whole different direction, lol. Oh well, I still like it! I'm so excited for you guys to see what I have in store! Have a good night!!

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