Chapter 1- Summer

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School had just let out, for the first day of summer. The six kids had graduated middle school. Will had caught up on all his classes, thanks to Jessica. Jess has always been a straight A student.
Her and Will walked out of the school. Max had already left. "Hey Mike!" Jess said, waving him down. Mike turned around. "You wanna come over to Wills and play some D&D?" She asked him.

"Sorry. I can't. Um- Mom needs me home." He said, getting on his bike.

"For what? Are you going to go see Eleven again?" She winked at him.

"What? No! I have to go." He started to ride away.

"Is he going to Els?" Will said, he was standing behind her.

"Yeah." Jess rolled her eyes, and turned to Dustin and Lucas. "You guys comin'?"

"Sorry, can't. I have to pack for camp." Dustin said. "Maybe tomorrow. I still have a few days before I leave." Jess nodded, as he got on his bike.

"My mom actually needs me home." Lucas said, riding away with Dustin.

"I guess it's you and me Will." She turned to him.

"I guess." He looked sad.

"Hey.. you okay?" Jess put her hand on his shoulder. "I know the party is sorta breaking up, but I'll stay with you no matter what." She said.

"Heh.. thanks. Let's go." The two kids got on top of their bikes, and headed towards Wills house.

Mike rode his bike to Els. When he got there, he dropped his bike at the porch, and knocked on the door. The door had opened by its self, and closed after he walked in. "I'm in my room." El said. Hopper wasn't home at the time. Mike walked into Elevens room.

"Hey El!" He said joining her on the bed.

"Hi Mike." She said, sitting in front of him. They had both moved forward, connecting their lips together. El turned on the radio with her powers, and then song Sentimental Street by Night Ranger was on, making their evening more romantic, releasing each other when needed to breathe.

Will and Jessica:
Will and Jess had gotten to the Byers house, greated by Johnathan and Nancy. "What are you doing here, Nanc?" Jess said, looking at her, sort of, sister.

"I'm working on something with Johnathan." She said, as she continued to write away on her typewriter.

Will went into his room, and grabbed the Dungeons and Dragons board game. They set up the campaign in the living room. Will was dressed as his character, as Jessica was hers.

A few hours later, Joyce walked in the front door, with a frozen pizza. "Hey Jess! Hey Will!" She said, setting the pizza on the table.

"Mom!" Johnathan said. Joyce quickly removed the pizza from the table.

"Sorry!" She said. "Will, Jess, can you guys help me with the groceries?"

"Mom, we are in the middle of a campaign!" Will said, looking over his binder.

"Pause your campaign and help me." Joyce said. Jess stood up, and took off her costume. Will got out of his, and they walked outside.

When they were done, Joyce had put the pizza in the oven. "Hey, Jess, I'm gonna head home, you coming?" Nancy asked.

"Why don't you stay for dinner, Nancy?" Joyce asked, Johnathan looked at her.

"Okay." Nancy replied, sitting on the couch with Johnathan.

Jess and Will started playing again. They played the board game, until the pizza was done. They cleaned up their game, and put it away along with their costumes. All five of them sat down at the kitchen table, and enjoyed their pizza. Nancy and Jess had finished. They said their goodbyes to the Byers family.

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