His Butler, attending a Festival

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Miharu's POV


"No! Let me go! Please, don't make him do thi- ah..."

"You desire it dont you?"

"Please.......No more........."

"You like this dont you?"

All I could here was panting, her cheeks were flushed as I felt my fingers move down her cheast.

"No more...No...More..."

I sincerely wanted to stop as she asked but it was like my body and mouth werent actually mine.

Tears streamed down her eyes more and more.


                   End of Dream

I woke up with a jump when I noticed I was on a couch and Ciel was on his bed.

I started to think about the dream I had but shook it off and asked permission to enter the bathroom.

I was shocked to of been given permission from Sebastian, it seemed Lucy had fallen asleep and there was a chance it would be a while until she awoke.

I looked at her with worry in my eyes. I felt bad for having that dream and not despising it. I only hope Lucy wont hate me for it.

Then it hit me, the festival!

I knew she would love it and it would be good for everyone in this manor to go somewhere for a change.

And then I looked at Yoite, who had seemed to of fallen into a deep sleep next to Lucy.

 An Hour Later..



Lucy woke up and decided to see her twins.

When we enetered the twins bedroom Lucy screamed bloody murder.

The twins..

They they.....

Were dead...........




They looked as if they had exploded on the inside, oh god, I feel sick.

Ciel ran in and had a shocked and sorrowful face while Lucy stared wide eyed sinking to her knees.

Sebastians face had a little expression as he picked up the horror scenes and went outside to bury them.

I ran over to Lucy and hugged her tightly, she was in shock but that didn't change the tears that wouldn't stop falling.

Yoite helped Ciel out of his shock as we all group hugged Lucy and let her cry for all of us.



It's been about an hour and no one has moved, just then Ciel said meekly " Lets go to that festival."

Lucy stood up as we all left to our bedrooms, when Ciel and Lucy returned to the living room (As we had already got ready) Sebastian led the way to Yoite and my world.

Day of the Festival- 6 p.m

Lucy seemed to have gotten better, she smiled still and laughed.

Lucy was wearing a blue kimono with white and purple flowers decorating it.

Ciel wore one of my outfits (The one Kouichi gave Miharu in ep. 3 or 4)

I wore my scool uniform while Yoite wore his usual black, deppressing attire.


"Lucy! C'mon try this game!" I shouted so she could hear me as Ciel and Yoite followed her. It was a fish catching game, if you caught a fish, you could have it.

Lucy won it with ease and I was happy that she seemed like she had forgotten about the twins death, who randomly combusted.



 That night

All four of us laid down on the floor of my bedroom.

 Ciel groaned in discomfort of the hard floor as I laid out the sleeping bags.

" I can't beleive how many prizes Lucy won. My manor will be stocked." Ciel said as Yoite and Lucy carefully set everything she won up.

 " I never thought anyone could win that dress..." Yoite said softly as he stared at the blue dress Lucy had won in a major game.

The dress was a black and blue corset along with a long flow of blue fading to black skirt.

Lucy cuddled next to Ciel as Yoite and I laid back to back.

Lucy then meekly said to us all before falling asleep "Thank you...For taking me here..."

I smiled lightly

            Oh Lucy.

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